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The Valencia Parliament has given green light to the idea of renewing the roman ruins of Calle El Salvador

The Valencia Parliament has given green light to the idea of renewing the roman ruins of Calle El Salvador, which is right behind the parliamentary groups building, a few metres from the Palau dels Borja, in Valencia.

19 april 2016

The Valencia Parliament has given green light to the idea of renewing the roman ruins of Calle El Salvador, which is right behind the parliamentary groups building, a few metres from the Palau dels Borja, in Valencia.

The aim of the government is to solve a problem that has been dragged over the years. The deteroration of this area, which is located in the historic centre of the city, has caused many problems among the neighbours.

The Chamber and the General Direction of Heritage think that it is necessary to carry out a restoration project of the site.  The plot belongs to the Regional Government of Valencia, but its use is given to the Chamber. The original project, which took place in the 90s, included the idea of build a residence for the president of the Valencia Parliament, even though, this idea was never been done and nowadays, it is completely dismissed.

Likewise, the Generalitat, who has also turned down the thought of carrying out more paperwork in the site, has authorized the Valencia City Council project in order to solve the current situation. The Parliament is in favour of opening a square, even though it would be necessary to change the use of the plot for doing that.

The neighbours, on the other hand, demand an urgent solution, since they think the problem should have been solved years ago.  The City Council has prolonged its resolution due to the site  being part of the historic centre urban fabric.

It was part of the Via Augusta

The ruins have their origin in the legendary Via Augusta, that is located near the Silver Route. Both of them define the two great avenues in Hispania. Due to its historical relevance, the prupose of the president Enric Morera is to transform the ruins into a place to visit and also turn them into an important point of the city. Besides, the problems regarding to the hygiene and the outlay that the fence repairs and rat extermination involve have sped up the negotiations. The project has found its inspiration in the Museu de la Almoina. Both share many similarities (like rectangular stones, historical context...), although without the construcion and the stained glass which covers it.