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Consult the list of admitted students in the Master’s Degree

  • July 13rd, 2016
Consult the list of admitted students in the Master’s Degree

Closed the first phase of pre-registration, you can already verify if you are in the admitted list of the different Master’s Degree of the UV, among which there is the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Identification, Analysis and Management

To see the list, you must see the section Admission and Enrolment in the web Portal of the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Identification, Analysis, and Management and then the section Admission request. In the 4th point you will find different resolutions after concluding PHASE 1, in which each student could see his or her particular situation.











Don’t forget that the PHASE 2 of pre-registration to the Master’s degrees will remain open until next 1 September 2016.