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General structure and by specialisations

The Master's is structured in three specialisations, among which students will opt for one at the time of enrolment:

  • Management of Water-Treatment Plants.
  • Environmental Management in Industry.
  • Environmental Management in Civil Works.
Compulsory subjects

First year (60.0 ECTS)

Second year (18.0 ECTS)


Optational subjects of second year. Management of Water-Treatment Plants.

Compulsory subjects (9.0 ECTS)

Optional subjects (3.0 ECTS)


Optional subjects of second year. Environmental Management in Industry.

Compulsory subjects (9.0 ECTS)

Optional subjects (3.0 ECTS)


Optional subjects of second year. Environmental Management in Civil Works.

Compulsory subjects (9.0 ECTS)

  • Environmental engineering of linear works (3.0 ECTS)
  • Environmental hydraulic engineering (3.0 ECTS)
  • Environmental coastal actions (3.0 ECTS)

Optional subjects (3.0 ECTS)