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Onsite Master

Academic Year 2020-21




(30 ECTS)

Methods in physiology research

43095: Methods of laboratory work in physiology

Julián Carretero Asunción (


43080: Data processing methods in physiology

Rosa Mª Cibrián Ortiz de Anda (


43081: Digital analysis of signals and images in physiology

Mª Rosario Salvador Palmer (

Cardiovascular Physiology

43082: Regulation of the circulation. Role of the endothelium

José Mª Vila Salinas (
Martín Aldasoro Celaya (


43083: Special techniques in cardiovascular research

Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla (

Oxidative stress and applications in Biomedicine

43084: Physiology and physiopathology of free radicals and antioxidants

Juan sastre Belloch (


43085: Physiopathology of rare diseases

Francisco Dasí Fernández (Francisco.Dasi



(15 ECTS)


43091: Physiology of physical exercise

José Viña Ribes (
Mª Carmen Gómez Cabrera (


43090: Cerebral circulation. Physiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects

Enrique Alborch Domínguez (
Fco. Javier Miranda Gómez (


43088: Physiology of perinatal development

Máximo Vento Torres (
Miguel Ángel Asensi Miralles (


43089: Pathophysiology of azheimer's disease

José Viña Ribes (
Ana Lloret Alcañiz (



(15 ECTS)

Master's final project

43094: Master's final project

Mª Rosario Salvador Palmer (

TOTAL     60



The COMPULSORY MODULE is based on theory lessons and practical sessions. Its main aim is to reach a suitable use of the methodology and specific techniques of physiological research, regarding to the laboratory tools as well as the use of experimental data and image processing system technologies. On the other hand, it also aims to obtain a wide range of theoretical knowledge and innovative aspects used in cardiovascular physiology, oxidative stress and rare diseases, which create a range of possibilities training the students in order to develop their researcher work.

Due to the existence of many specific Physiology fields, the OPTATIVE MODULE is based on the training of the student in physiology research with four specific subjects about relevant issues. Three of the four subjects are swapped each two school years due to their scientific interest on the one hand and on the other hand due to the difficulty of relying on the collaboration of specialists every year. In any case, regardless of the subjects the student will take in this module, he or she can complement the achieved training in the compulsory module so he or she can carry out a job in investigation fields.

In the FINAL PROJECT the student carries out a research work based on a original pilot study about one of the Physiology research areas included on the department of physiology research units; introduction, objectives, methods, results, debate, conclusions and bibliography and he or she defends the Final Project facing a tribunal. The student must demonstrate the acquired competences associated to the development of those aspects related to the research activity in some of the Physiology fields.


The most appropriate profile to obtain the maximum benefit from the studies to be carried out is that of students whose scientific-health training allows them to acquire the knowledge taught in the master's degree on physiology, both human and physical exercise.

Therefore, the recommended access routes correspond to students who come from Degrees and Bachelor's Degrees in Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Physics, Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, or Veterinary Medicine, as well as other related Degrees and equivalent Bachelor's Degrees.

For admission to the Master of graduates from degrees that meet this profile but with a lack of knowledge of general physiology, the Academic Coordination Committee will indicate to the student the need to take the leveling course of Fundamentals of Physiology.

43750: Bridging course. Fundamentals of Physiology

Subject outside the master's degree that students who the Academic Coordination Committee considers that, due to their entrance qualification, they must complete their basic training in physiology before starting the master's degree must take before starting the master's degree.

Subject of 6 ECTS credits and coordinated by Professor Ángel Ortega Valero (

The Commission will study each case, but, as a general rule, all students must take the Complement, except those coming from the degrees of Medicine, Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Environmental Sciences.



  • Written examination and/or preparation of a subject-related assignment and/or continuous assessment and/or practice reports (depending on the subject): assessment on 10 points.
  • In subjects with practices, attendance at 80% of the practices is compulsory.

Subjects are passed with a score of 5 or more points.

Subjects with practices:
Laboratory work methods in Physiology (43095)
Data processing methods in Physiology (43080)
Digital Signal and Image Analysis in Physiology (43081)
Special techniques for cardiovascular research (43083)
Physiology training complements (43750)

Note: THE MASTER IS PRESENTIAL, so attendance at classes is very important and has great learning value. However, attendance at theory classes is not valued in the qualification of the subjects, as can be seen in the evaluation section of the teaching guides for the subjects of the Master's, it is the students' decision.


FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME ENROLMENT: 60 ECTS credits allows the complete master’s realization in one academic course.

FULL-TIME ENROLMENT: Full-time students have to register for a minimum of 36 credits and a maximum of all 60 credits of the master's degree.

PART-TIME ENROLMENT: The regime of part-time dedication will be requested for justified causes, as could be for accredited labour activity, the practice of high level sport activities, special educational needs, family responsibilities or student representation responsibilities. They have to register for a minimum of 24 credits and maximum of 35. In these cases, it is advisable to enrol in the first year of the compulsory module (30 credits) and leave the optional (15 credits) and the TFM (15 credits) for the second year.

Registration regulations_Grade and Master_ACGUV107.2017