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Presentation of the Faculty

The Decanal Team of the Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody at the University of Valencia is pleased to welcome you to our website.

The Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody began integration in the University of Valencia with the School of Health Technician Assistants at the Faculty of Medicine. At this time, nursing studies obtained the category of university studies.

Classes for the 3-year degree in Nursing commenced in the 1977-1978 academic year at the Faculty of Medicine and subsequently were held at other sites until consolidating the current location.

In the 2002-2003 academic year, the 3-year programme in Podiatry was incorporated. Implementation of this degree at our University has completed the existing degree programmes offered in the academic field of Health Sciences and has facilitated accessibility to studies that are highly demanded in our community.

Starting in the 2010-2011 academic year, undergraduate degree programmes in Nursing and Podiatry adapted to the European Higher Education Area and 3-year degrees are being phased out (they will end definitively in the 2014-2015 academic year).

Nursing studies are included in the Health Sciences field and offer students both theoretical and practical training. This enables them to carry out a set of activities geared towards health promotion and prevention, ongoing care and illness recovery aimed at individuals and social groups as well as society as a whole.

Podiatry is a discipline in the Health Sciences field dedicated to (with absolute autonomy) the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of conditions and deformiti of the feet; the scientific study of the origin and connections with the rest of the musculoskeletal system. Professional activity is carried out in several fields, particularly in podiatry clinics, sports and nursing homes.