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Fuente del Castillo-Palacio de los Condes de Cervellón
3rd Edition of the Summer University of the Canal de Navarrés. Open registration

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, in close collaboration with the Commonwealth of the Canal De Navarrés, the Provincial Council of Valencia and Caixa Popular, organises the 3rd Edition of the Seasonal University of the Canal de Navarrés. This year, entitled: «Porque duerme sola el agua...». Entre sueños poéticos y placeres culinarios en el palacio de Anna, (Spanish for Because water sleeps alone... Between poetic dreams and culinary pleasures in Anna’s Palace), we repeat this wonderful event, this time during the summer season.

In contrast to the cliché of a dark and funereal Middle Ages, ancient documents tell us of an exquisite sensitivity, in Muslim or Christian lands, as can be seen in the culinary luxuries of the court, or in the poems and romances sung in towns and villages, among palaces and fountains, by thousands of anonymous voices, most of them female.

«A los baños de amor sola me iré,

y en ellos me bañaré.

Enviárame mi madre

por agua a la fuente fría:

vengo del amor herida»

The event will take place on July the 7th, in the Caste-Palace of the Counts of Cervellón in Anna, in the Canal de Navarrés. After the opening ceremony by the political and academic authorities (10:30 a.m.), Juan Vicente García Marsilla, full professor of Medieval History (UV), will open the day with a talk entitled: "Recetas complejas para paladares exquisitos. La alta cocina en la Edad Media"  (Spanish for Complex recipes for exquisite palates. Haute cuisine in the Middle Ages) (11:00 a.m.).

Afterwards (12:00 p.m.), we will move to the impressive Arab hall, whose plasterwork and coffered ceilings remind us of other Andalusian complexes of greater renown such as the Alhambra. There, Rafael Beltrán Llavador, full professor of Hispanic Studies (UV), will give us his lecture: "Arroyo claro, fuente serena...». Voces poéticas de mujeres medievales: entre Fuente y Palacio" (Spanish for Clear stream, peaceful fountain... Poetic Voices of Medieval Women: between the Fountain and the Palace) (in collaboration with Irene Castelló and Marc Caballer, Master’s Degree in Hispanic Studies: Applications and Research, UV).

The event will end with a poetry recital (12:00 p.m.) by the professor Maria Amparo Rico Beltrán, from the Department of Language and Literature Education (UV)"Un paseo por la historia a través del Romancero" (Spanish for A walk through history through folk ballads).

This 3rd Edition, which has left no detail to chance, will be set by the Cultural Association “Sagvuntvm Civitas”, a historical recreation group that will take us to a journey through the Middle Ages.

Registration is free but, given the limited capacity, it is recommended that you book your place through the following link: https://go.uv.es/NEat9P0


ScheduleFrom 14 june 2022 to 6 july 2022. Every day at 11:03 to 21:00.


Castillo-Palacio de los Condes de Cervellón (Castle-Palace of the Counts of Cervellón) Plaza de la Alameda (Anna)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Provincial Council of Valencia

Caixa Popular

The Commonwealth of the Canal de Navarrés

Anna Town Hall.



Contact antonio.briz@uv.es

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