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FORTHEM internships for students
FORTHEM internships for students

Did you know that you can work in a company located in another FORTHEM Alliance country, or that you can peep as an intern into the activities of a lab or an office of another FORTHEM university?


Being a student in one of FORTHEM Alliance universities allows you to apply for internships provided by our associated partners – companies and organisations from our regions. Please, take a look at our internship offers and find out if one of them fits your profile!

Before applying for an offer, don't forget to read carefully the call to get all the necessary information.  Here you will find details of the process and the documentation to be submitted.

This is a unique opportunity to get to know another country from a real working perspective!


Date From 5 may 2022 to 31 august 2022. 24h. Every day.


FORTHEM Alliance

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Contact Forthem@uv.es

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