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Adaptation course

A specific plan of studies will be set up for students who have the 3-year degree in Nursing and wish to take the Course of Adaptation. The Degree Committee (CAT) for Nursing will review the applicant's academic record to determine credit recognition that is deemed relevant and decide which subjects the student should take. In addition, if a student comes from another university or a programme apart from the University of Valencia, the Degree Committee (CAT) reserves the authority to decide which subjects the student will take.

Asignaturas del curso
Código Nombre Créditos
34364 Anatomía humana 6
34368 Sociología, género y salud 6
34369 Bioestadística y TIC aplicadas a las ciencias de la salud 6
34389 Practicum IV 18
34390 Trabajo Fin de grado en Enfermería 7,5
34393 Introducción a la investigación en la disciplina enfermera 6