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Workshops on discrimination and hate crimes. Registration now open

On Thursday 21 and 28 October, educational workshops on discrimination and hate crimes due to LGTBphobia and serophobia will be held for students of the socio-sanitary branch.

The aim of these workshops is to raise awareness and train future professionals in the social and healthcare field who will be in contact with vulnerable people, victims of LGTBphobia and serophobia crimes, in order to improve their performance and intervention in this field, working against discrimination against the LGTB+ collective.

Dates: Thursday, 21 and 28 October.

Duration: 12 total hours corresponding to 8 hours of face-to-face training content and 4 hours of supplementary material to be sent out after the face-to-face sessions.

Lugar: Classroom 104 (first floor) of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València.

Free registration.


ScheduleFrom 18 october 2021 to 31 october 2021. Every day at 07:00 to 11:00.


Aula 104 (primera planta) de la Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación de la Universitat de València.

Organized by

Lambda. Col·labora: Diversitats.



Contact social5@lambdavalencia.org

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