Universitat de ValènciaGrau en FisioteràpiaFacultat de Fisioteràpia Logo del portal

General language courses

Our 2021-2022 general courses offer is now available. Let us help you achieve your goals! 

We adapt to your needs with a great variety of options for the different languages we offer at the Languages Centre:

- English

- Spanish

- Valencian 

- German

- French

- Italian

Moreover, our offer is addressed to all audiences: children, young people, adults and students with:

--> Level courses

--> Specific Courses

--> Official Exams Preparation 

--> Idiomatic Tourism

--> Other


Date From 30 july 2021 to 3 october 2021. 24h. Every day.


UV Language Centre

Organized by

UV Language Centre.


Contact secretaria@centreidiomes.es

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