Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Mestre/a en Educació InfantilFacultat de Magisteri Logo del portal

The criteria selection of possible applicants are the following: 

1.ACADEMIC RECORDS: It will be only taken into account the corresponding thing to the degree with which it is accessed; in order to assess the average mark of the academic record and the ones obtained in the subjects directly related to the matter of the Master’s will be taken into consideration. Up to a maximum of 10 points.

2.RELATED DEGREES: It will be counted other diplomaturas, licenciaturas, doctorates in other different disciplines to which it is used in order to access the Master’s and other Masters’. Up to a maximum of 5 points.

3.PROFILE: Specialisation courses different from the previous ones (it is about attendance to congresses , seminars, own-degree courses, extension courses, etc. carried out during or after the licenciatura, related to the Master’s). Up to a maximum of 5 points.

4.FPU GRANTS or assimilated: Up to a maximum of 5 points.

5.RESEARCH PAPERS: Theses, dissertations in other similar degrees; undergraduate degree final projects, publications related to the Master’s or the licenciatura of access to the Master’s, developed tasks in contracts and R&D projects related to the Master’s, etc. Up to a maximum of 5 points.

6.ACCREDITED LANGUAGES: Up to a maximum of 5 points.

7.HAVING FINISHED THE LICENCIATURA OF ACCESS TO THE MASTER’S IN THE FIVE YEARS BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION IN THE MASTER’S. The last aim of this criterion is to facilitate, looking for the logical balance between youth and experience and always taking care of the professional capacity, the access to the degree of Doctor of young professionals who, for this condition, count objectively on a more reduced curriculum than people with more time in the professional practice could ever have. Up to a maximum of 5 points.


9.OTHER MERITS: extraordinary prize of licenciatura (through which it is accessed) or assimilated; other prizes of renowned prestige related to the Master’s or other counted degrees, etc. Maximum of 5 points.

10.PERSONAL INTERVIEW. Maximum of 5 points.