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« Regulations Undergraduate Degree Final Project (TFG):


• Regulations Undergraduate Degree Final Project  (Universitat de València)

• Regulations Undergraduate Degree Final Project (Faculty of Teacher Training), approved by C.A.T. from the Faculty of Teacher Training, 17 July 2024

« Course guide TFG (Undergraduate Degree Final Project):

• Course guide

 33643 -  Undergraduate Degree Final Project in Preschool Education

« Calendar TFG:

Calendar current curs

« Defence TFG:

• Composition of the Tribunal and procedure to Defence 2023-2024

« Documents TFG: Proposal of the main theme of the TFG and Instructions Manual to make the TFG deposit:

1.- Proposal of the main theme of the TFG   ​:  Instructions Manual if you have problems to access the document

2.- Instructions Manual to make the TFG deposit

« Undergraduate Degree Final Project

• List of themes for the Final Project

« TFG Conferences

                  - TFG conferences 2022

VI Conference about the TFG (30th and 31st January 2019)

- Program

- Summary of the activities

- Videos of activities from VI Conference about the TFG

V Conference about the TFG (30th and 31st January 2018)

- Program

- Summary of the activities

- Videos of activities from V Conference about TFG

IV Conference about TFG (1st and 2nd February 2017)

- Program

- Summary of the activities

- Videos of activities from IV Conference about TFG

III Conference about the TFG (3rd and 4th February 2016)

- Program

- Summary of the activities

- Videos of activities from III Conference about the TFG

II Conference about the TFG (3rd and 4th March 2015)

- Program

- Summary of the activities

- PowerPoint TFG

- Videos of activities from II Conference about the TFG

I Conference about the TFG

- Videos of activities from I Conference about the TFG

- Link to the book: “Investigación y buenas prácticas entorno al TFG

- Videos of activities (Data protection and professional orientation) from I Conference about the TFG