Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Mestre/a en Educació InfantilFacultat de Magisteri Logo del portal

Adaptation Procedure

Those students currently doing a master's programme undergoing modification or with a curriculum about to expire will be entitled to apply for adaptation to the new programme.
The Academic Coordination Commission will prepare a table with the equivalence of all the courses, to be applied in such cases using the teaching guidelines as a reference. Similarly, the number of credits of the origin and destination courses will be taken into account, observing the proportionality criterion.
If the course of origin coincides with the destination one, the same mark will be kept. When –either in origin or destination– more than one subject is concerned, the mark will be averaged.
In any case, the marking regulations of UV –passed by the council on 27 January 2004, ACG UV 12/2004 and amended by the council on June 2008, ACG UV 102/2008– will be applied.

Table of equivalences for students who began to take the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics in the curriculum of 2009 and enroll in subjects of the curriculum of 2012:

  • The module M1 (Fundamentos de investigación en didácticas específicas 1,14 credits) is equivalent to the subjects Bases Científicas (6 credits) and Bases Didácticas2 (7 credits) and Bases para la innovación docente (6 credits).
  • The module M2 (Fundamentos de investigación en didácticas específicas 2, 14 credits) equivalent to the subject Métodos de Investigación Didáctica (6 credits).
  • The module M3 (Metodología y técnicas avanzadas de investigación en didácticas especifícas, 6 credits) equivalent to the subject Métodos de Investigación Didáctica (6 credits).
  • Each module of the academic pathway M4.1 and M4.4 (Updating and researching …, 14 credits each module) is equivalent to the module Trabajo Fin de máster (12 credits).