Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Mestre/a en Educació InfantilFacultat de Magisteri Logo del portal

Order ECI/3858/2007, of 27 December, establishes that admission to this master's degree requires accreditation of competences and skills relevant to the specialisation of choice, which will be verified by means of a test specially designed by universities, from which holders of a university degree corresponding to the specialisation will be exempt. Furthermore, access to the master's degree requires demonstrable knowledge of a foreign language equivalent to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, according to Recommendation No. R (98)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States of 17 October 2000.

The table of equivalences approved by the Governing Council and in force at any given moment at the Universitat de València shall apply for accrediting proficiency in a foreign language at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Table of equivalences for accrediting L2 languages at the UV (PDF)

Proficiency at level B1 will be recognised for students who have successfully completed upper secondary education (batxillerat) in a bilingual school. 

- Students who cannot accredit level B1 in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) can obtain the level certificate by passing the Foreign Language Proficiency Accreditation Test (PACLE), organised by the Language Centre of the University of Valencia.

The bilingual nature of the Valencian education system requires that future teachers be proficient in our two official languages. Accordingly, students must accredit knowledge of Catalan at C1 level or higher before they can be issued their master's degree certificate.

Candidates from foreign educational systems whose mother tongue is different from Spanish must also accredit a C1 level of Spanish before they can be issued their master's degree certificate.