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Office of Secretary Opening Hours

The financial-administrative services at the Faculty of Psychology are in charge of:

  • Giving support to the organisation of teaching and teaching/reseach activities and the dissemination of culture, which are carried out in the scope of the Faculty.
  • Managing academic and administrative procedures leading to awarding official academic degrees.
  • Administering and managing the Faculty's budget allocation.
  • Managing and coordinating the Faculty's own services.
  • Managing and coordinating the use of the Faculty's facilities and resources.
  • Promoting iniciatives and implementing measures to improve the quality of services provided by the Faculty.
They are composed of:
  •  Student Bureau (Faculty administration office)
  •  Office of Financial Management  (Administration) 
  •  Dean's Office
  •  Reception



Faculty of Psychology
University of Valencia
Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 21
46010 Valencia (Spain)


The administration office is located on the ground floor to the left of the main door.
Telephone numbers: 963864664 / 963864472 / 963983771



  • Mornings:  9:00h to 14:00