foto Ana Maria Botella Nicolas
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Dega/Degana / Director/a Ets
Especialista Pau
Department: Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Despacho 12, cuarta planta, Facultat de Magisteri. Avenida Tarongers, 4 46022 Valencia
(9639) 83384

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Valencia. Graduate in Geography and History (specialising in Musicology) and a Diploma in Teaching (specialising in Music Education) from the University of Oviedo. Professional degree in Music (Piano) and International Master's Degree in Music in the same speciality from the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Oviedo "Eduardo Martínez Torner". PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia with a thesis that analysed and catalogued the music of the Moors and Christians of Alcoy, as well as a didactic application in the secondary school classroom, for which she was awarded a grant by the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura "Juan Gil-Albert" (Alicante Provincial Council).career civil servant in the body of secondary education teachers since 2001 (currently on leave). Reviewer of research journals and member of scientific committees of congresses and conferences. She belongs to the multidisciplinary research group IEDUCARTS whose main interest is the work from a multidisciplinary perspective in the classroom, focusing especially on artistic disciplines such as Cinema, Animation and Opera. Guest lecturer in the Ópera Oberta project "El Liceo en la Universidad", since the 2008/2009 season. 

Her main lines of research are Didactics of music listening, Tics and music education and educational innovation through interdisciplinarity and opera. Principal researcher of the Emerging R+D+i project The soundscape, listening, creation and recreation. Analysis of scenarios of environmental and music education, of the Generalitat Valenciana, as well as of the Network of teaching innovation L'hort-Ieducarts, 2.0. and 3.0 of the Vice-rectorate of Training Policies and Educational Quality of the Universitat de València, for several years. She is currently PI of the project El paisaje sonoro como contexto de aprendizaje interactivo, transversal e interdisciplinar (UV-SFPIE_PID19-1096358). Since 2020 she is Director of the research group iMUSED (Investigating Music Education GIUV2020-483), which aims to deepen the knowledge of music education from multiple perspectives such as educational innovation, interdisciplinarity, the study of the curriculum, musical identities and knowledge transfer. As an overall summary of his academic career, it is worth highlighting the publication of 128 articles (100 in scientific journals and 28 in non-indexed journals) and 84 research chapters, more than 200 contributions to conferences, either by means of papers or communications, participation in 3 research projects, 12 teaching innovation projects as PI and 17 as a team member, and the completion of 8 research stays and 5 teaching stays. He has 2 six-year research periods (2009-2014, 2015-2020) and 3 five-year teaching periods (2006-2011, 2012-2017 and 2018-2022).

In the teaching field, she has taught for a total of 20 academic years at the universities of Oviedo and Valencia, and has taught on the Master's Degree in Doctoral Studies for 12 years and on the Master's Degree in Secondary Education for 3 years. She has supervised 21 doctoral theses and 31 Master's Degree Final Projects (21 on research and 10 on the Master's Degree in Secondary Education), as well as 39 Bachelor's Degree Final Projects. The numerous teaching materials generated, as well as the involvement in innovation projects and participation in teaching congresses testify to the dedication to teaching and continuous improvement in teaching methodologies and techniques. 

Finally, in terms of management, I would highlight the work as secretary of the Department (2012-2015), being a member of the Academic Coordination Committee of the Master in Secondary Education Teacher (2011-2018), member of the Academic Coordination Committee of the Master in Research in Specific Didactics (2015-2020), coordinating the teaching project Ópera Oberta (2011-2014), and directing the Music classroom of the Vice-Rectorate for Culture and Equality of the UV (2015-2018), among other activities. She has also directed the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics at the Faculty of Education (2016-2018) and (2019-2020) and coordinated the PhD in Music (2015-2018). She has been Vice-Dean of academic planning and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Education. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Education since November 2020.




Subjects taught and teaching methods
Second semester
Wednesday de 12:00 a 13:30. DEGANAT FACULTAT DE MAGISTERI. TARONGERS TLF. 9638(64481)
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Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports