The Journal, Mètode, celebrates its 100 issues with a cycle of conferences about the challenges of science

  • Mètode
  • February 13th, 2019
100 números de Mètode

Climate change, artificial intelligence, feeding, genetics and the secrets of our brain. These are the topics with which the cycle of conferences ‘The great challenges of science’ will deal. This event is organised by the Journal, Mètode, in cooperation with the School of European thought Lluís Vives to celebrate the 100 issues of the informative scientific publications of the Universitat de València.

The cycle, which will be celebrated in La Nau of the Universitat de València, will be inaugurated on the 28th of February at 7.00 p.m. with a conference on creative communication of climate change, conduced by the lecturer of University of Colorado-Boulder Maxwell Boykoff.

The cycle will continue on the 26th of March of 2019, with Carme Torras, a lecturer of the Robotics Institute and Industrial Informatics Institute of Barcelona, who will give a speech about Artificial Intelligence.  On the 16th of May, Pere Puigdomènech, a lecturer of the Genomic Agricultural Research Centre of Barcelona, will be the next speaker. He will deal with food production challenges of the future.  Gemma Marfany, a lecturer of the University of Barcelona, will focus on the impact of genetics on our lives on the 22th of May.  And, after all, the cycle will end on the 5th of June with the speech on neuroscience of Xurxo Mariño, a lecturer of the University of A Coruña.  Every speech will take place in the Aula Magna of La Nau and they will be free entry.

As part of the 100 issue celebration, Mètode, organised also an exhibition, which will be inaugurated on the 16th of May of 2019 in the Open Aula of La Nau. It will be open until the 15th of September of 2019.  The exhibition will illustrate the main challenges of science through the contents and the topics of the Journal covers Mètode will be connecting thread.

The activities of the 100 issue celebration of Mètode are included in the scheduling that the Cultural Centre La Nau of the Universitat de València organised for its 20th anniversary. Moreover, it all also coincides with the 520 anniversary of the Universitat de València.

Disseminating science for 100 issues

Mètode is a Journal dedicated to dissemination and the study of science.  The Journal is edited by Universitat de València and it has become entrenched as a Spanish science dissemination referent.  Mètode was created in 1992 managed by the Journalist Olga Dénia, who started the project and who led it until the 18th publication.  Since 1998, Martí Domínguez, journalist and biologist, has been the director of the Journal.

Mètode focused on the analysis and the diffusion of different aspects of scientific research and it has helped to support the interaction among science and humanities, which allows the participation of scientists as well as artists, philosophers, sociologists, historians and literati.  An evidence of this interaction is its covers, which have joined some of the artists with the highest profiles throughout Valencia in order to debate about science and its breakthroughs. The protagonists of the covers have been Carmen Calvo, Manuel Boix, Rafael Armengol, Rosa Torres, José María Yturralde or Antoni Miró, among others.

The Journal is edited every three months in Catalan and in Spanish, and each year in a yearbook in English, Mètode Science Studies Journal, which has been classified among the main databases and impact rates.  With regard to the hard-copy publication, Mètode had an important and increasing presence on Internet and on Social Media, and it published a dissemination book collection, whose 10th volume is being prepared.