Over 200 teachers will participate from this Tuesday on the Seminars of Preschool Education

  • Press Office
  • July 1st, 2019

The Faculty of Teacher Training welcomes of the 2nd and 3rd of July the Seminars in Research, Innovation and Good Practices in Preschool Education. Over 200 teachers from the province of Valencia have registered for the event. To the inauguration will attend Pedro Singler, head of the Service of Teaching Staff Training of Valencia.

The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals in Preschool Education and teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Teaching of the University of Valencia in the same space for reflections and experiences.

This is the sixth year in which the faculty and the Preschool CEFIRE collaborate on the same project. During the conferences, good practices, research in the classroom, the relationship between training practices and activity in the classroom, teachers, art, what teachers were taught 150 years ago, among other topics, will be discussed.

The days are divided into four conferences and several thematic workshops.

You can check the entire schedule here.