A book reviews twenty years of Journalism at the Universitat de València

  • Press Office
  • March 7th, 2022
Portada del llibre
Portada del llibre

The book “Vint anys de Periodisme a la Universitat de València” (PUV, 2022), edited by emeritus professor of Journalism Josep Lluís Gómez Mompart, will be presented on Monday 7th March at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication. The 320-page volume is written by fifty professors who have trained some 1,200 graduates of this degree (more than 70 percent of them women), many of whom are already working as professionals in Spanish and foreign media.

This book is a testimonial polyphony of the majority of the teaching staff who, throughout the first two decades of the 21st century, have made this interesting and encouraging experience of teaching and training for journalists possible. "A gratifying personal and collective effort of public service", the presentation states. "A journey of cooperative learning, with the good aptitude and attitude of an extraordinary student body", given the very high cut-off marks in the university entrance exams to be able to take one of the 80 places offered each year.

The 2000-2001 academic year saw the start of Journalism studies at the Universitat de València. Three years earlier, principal Pedro Ruiz had commissioned Josep Lluís Gómez Mompart, a lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, to contribute his teaching, research and professional experience to the degree’s implementation.

The degree’s design took into account not only the situation of the communication ecosystem of global society, but also the most outstanding aspects of Spanish and foreign faculties. The curriculum was innovative, combining journalistic quality with scientific and technological journalism, digital journalism and investigative and precision journalism. It also had two specialisation itineraries: Economics, Society and Culture, and Science and Technology.

For the first twenty years, the academic commitment has counted on a very good teaching staff from different disciplines (Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences and Health). And with an adjunct teaching staff of experienced and recognised journalism professionals from the main Valencian media. On the other hand, the degree in Journalism at the Universitat de València has been able to benefit from a student body of excellence, the quality of which can be seen in the book - from this same publisher (PUV) - Comunicar i marcar la diferència. Testimonis de [30] joves periodistes valencianes, all of them graduates of the Universitat de València.