A technical session opens the 2nd IAIOS’ Training Festival

  • March 31st, 2017
2nd IAIOS’ Training Festival

The Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (FCAFE) of the Universitat de València hosted yesterday the first session of the 2nd IAIOS’ Training Festival, organised by the Sport Performance and Physical Fitness Research Group (UIRFIDE) and the Physical Education and Sports Service (SEF), with the collaboration of the Training with Elderly Association (EcM) and the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

Around thirty students attended the First Upgrading session about Training in Elderly adults, given by Caterina Pesce, from the Italian University Sport and Movement.

The opening of the event was performed by the Director of SEF, José Campos, and the Director of UIRFIDE, Cristina Blasco, who reminded the students that they are “a fundamental pillar” of initiatives like this one.

The second session, today Friday 31 March, will be specific of the practical Festival with inclusive exercises during the morning and with open and free access.