ADE, Telematics and Informatics, the most requested degrees in 2016 in the Labour Exchange of the Universitat de València

  • March 21st, 2017
Faculty of Economics

The degrees related to Economics and Engineering have been the most requested by the employees during 2016, according to the offers published in the Employment Agency of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València managed by OPAL, Observatori d’Inserció Professional i Assessorament Laboral.

OPAL, serviced addressed to advise the student body of the Universitat de València to facilitate their incorporation to the labour market, has informed that in 2016 were offered 1,426 jobs through 600 employment offers. The most significant characteristics of these offers have been that the 38,5% demanded previous experience, and the 60,9% English skills. “The tendency of valuating English skills beyond the labour experience has increased in recent years”, have claimed from the labour observatory of the Universitat. The types of contracts offered were fixed-term in the 74,3% of the cases, and permanent contracts in the 25,7%.  Regarding the geographical area of the jobs available, the 49% were in Valencia, and this was followed by the rest of the Region of Valencia  with a 12,4%, Spain with a 35,7% and finally, the foreign places with a 2,8%.

Of the total of job positions offered, the degree in Business Administration-ADE was the most required with 344 places, followed by Telematics Engineering (321), Informatics Engineering (319), International Business (305), Multimedia Engineering (297), Telecommunications Electronic Engineering (286), Double Degree in Tourism and Business Management and Administration (222) and Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Law (221), Economics (211), Industrial Electronic Engineering (208) and Finance and Accounting (195), according to the data provided by OPAL.

Regarding recruitment, last year 117 contracts were carried out derived from the 600 offers published through the Employment Agency of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, and the Labour Exchange and the Panel of OPAL.  

Nowadays, 2,316 companies take part in the Labour Exchange managed by OPAL and 15,863 people are registered in an active way as people who apply for a job in this data base.  

Also, 944 offers has been published in the Panel of Job Vacancies and 1.553 employment orientation interviews have been carried out. As for the formational area, 16 courses about competencies for labour integration.

Forum for Employment, a bet for the insertion
Apart from facilitating the incorporation of the student body of the Universitat de València to the labour market, the OPAL has the aim of improving the academic strategies of the graduates, strength their competences related to professional integration, get to know the situation of the labour market, strenght the quality labour integration among university graduates and the cooperation among the academic and the labour world.

One of the most important commitments in this sense is the organisation of the Forum for Employment of the Universitat de València , that has arrived at its eleven edition in 2016. From 22 to 24 Novemeber, more than 70 companies and institutions of 26 different economic sectors gathered in the three university campus. Every time the figure are higher in comparison to the previous forums. The stands helped the interaction between employers and professionals and the exchange of opinions regarding the current labour needs. Apart from these interviews, there were also more than 500 parallel activities such as talks, conferences, workshops and even the ‘Speed Café’. 

Likewise, in 2016 the General Foundation, through OPAL, has set up the project ‘Talento y Capacidad en la Universidad’, a job insertion programme addressed to a hundred of students and graduates with functional diversity.  The project, in which Adecco Foundation collaborates, is founded by the Obra Social “La Caixa” with a sum of 48,000 euros, within the programme of Assistance Projects of Social Initiatives.

As every year, OPAL has conducted an interview for the users of the service that offers from the employment area. In this way, students and graduates have graded their satisfaction with this area with an average of 6,23 (out of 10). On the part of the contributor companies, the satisfaction grade has achieved the 5,25 points (out of 6). Regarding the area of advice and orientation of OPAL, the users of this service have graded the quality of the information received for the labour insertion and development with an average of 4.66 points (out of 5).