Albert Rossich takes part today in the commemorative acts of the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Department of Catalan

  • May 3rd, 2017
40 anys departament Filologia catalana

The professor of the Universitat de Girona, Albert Rossich, takes part today Wednesday in the commemorative acts of the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Department of Catalan of the Universitat de València. Rossich will speak (at 18:00) about ‘Apoteosi barroca: un poeta valencià ignorat a l’Estudi General de Lleida: L’oració a Felip de Berga i Aliaga’. The act will be presented by Vicent J. Escartí.

The session will take place at the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication. In the event, there will also be Martí Mestre (ex-reader of Catalan in Zagreb and translator) and the singer-songwriters Eva Dénia and Merxe Martínez.

The department was created by Manuel Sanchis Guarner in 1976. Up to this time, Sanchis Guarner, the first full university professor of Catalan Linguistics, promoted some Catalan extracurricular courses. And before that, there were seminars and other initiatives that the Franco’s dictatorship abolished.

Albert Rossich (Girona, 1952) is full university professor of Catalan Philology at the Universitat de Girona. He has published articles about the early modernity where he affirms that the so-called ‘decline’ is a problematic construction of the 19th century which should be reviewed. He is member of the section Francesc Eiximenis of the Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes of the UdG. He has made a dramatic adaptation of the ‘Lo desengany’ of Francesc Fontanella, and he has edited the poetry of Francesc Vicent Garcia. Since 2006, he directs the ‘col·lecció Philologica’ of the Baix Empordà publisher, Edicions Vitel·la.