The 3rd Plan of Equality of the Universitat de València has been approved

  • Press Office
  • April 17th, 2019
Imatge de la Unitat d'Igualtat.
Imatge de la Unitat d'Igualtat.

The Governing Council approved on Tuesday 16th April unanimously the 3rd Plan of Equality of the Universitat de València. It has 64 actions that are going to be developed for the following 4 years (2019-2022). Similarly to the previous ones, it aims to guarantee real and effective equality among men and women.

The document was agreed by CCOO, CSIF, STE-PV and UGT in the negotiating table. It had already received a favourable report of the Committee of Equality Policies of the Universitat de València. The plan was presented to the Governing Council by the Vice-principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, Elena Martínez. The Vice-principal pointed out that the plan is demanding and is the result of dialogue, agreement and hard work.

Although the equality principle is part of the values of the Universitat de València, which are set out in its statutes, the analysis for the elaboration of the 3rd Equality Plan of the Universitat shows that there are still certain gender inequalities within students, teaching, researching and administrative staff. Therefore, measures should be adopted in order to build effective equality between men and woman in our university.

The analysis of the 3rd Equality Plan of the Universitat de València includes different studies and reports. On the one hand, the situation of men and women in our university has been studied by the Equality Unit and the Equality Observatory. On the other hand, the study “Estudi sobre bretxa salarial de gènere en la Universitat de València” of the team Género en Ciencia led by the professor in Sociology Capitolina Díaz and the Estudi sobre conciliació personal, familiar i professional de les persones que treballen en la Universitat de València conducted by the professors of sociology Alicia Villar and Sandra Obiol have been considered. Finally, the analysis of the 3rd Equality Plan also includes the UV analysis of DAFO (Weaknesses, Menaces, Strengths and opportunities).

Some of the conclusions of different studies prove that family backgrounds are one of the main elements of inequalities in different areas such as wages, working conditions, career prospects… They also prove the necessity of expanding gender education against gender violence and prioritizing the education of key agents for the achievement of equality and the reduction of violence against women.

However, it is necessary to take measures that incorporate the gender perspective to different university degrees with the right and individualized input so that gender perspective is properly incorporated in scientific research. This way, a higher researching quality and an important source of innovation will be achieved.

The studies show the necessity of raising awareness on women’s achievements in terms of education and research through a series of awards and recognitions. The leadership of women in all fields should be promoted, too (education, research and management, entrepreneurship and innovation.

This new equality plan maintains its commitment with gender policies and supports fundamental aspects such as the conciliation, making gender cross-directional in education and the protocols against gender violence. 

Elaboration process

Once the duration of the 2nd Equality Plan was finished in 2017, the work to adopt a new plan began. The first task was to carry out an institutional diagnosis in terms on equality, for which different reports and studies were made throughout 2018.

The preparation of the 3rd Plan has been the result of a collective participation of different people of the university, members of the Equality Commissions of the centres of the UV, union workers, students, experts in research in gender equality, the University Institute of Women’s Studies of the UV (IUED), as well the Vice-rectorate for Equality, Sustainability and Diversity and the Equality Unit.

The Vice-Rectorate of Equality, Sustainability and Diversity presented the objectives of the 3rd Equality Plan on 20th February before the Commission for Equality Policies. They presented it before the Board of Directors on 4th March. On 29th March, it was approved unanimously at the negotiating table and, lastly, in the meeting of 8th April it was also passed by the Committee of Equality Policy.

The highlights of this Plan are as follows:

  1. Ambitious but and achievable goals.
  2. Very transversal: intervention of numerous vice-rectorate, centres, services and units.
  3. More structural than conjectural: actions more permanent than occasional.
  4. Transparent: easy to check evidences in its execution.
  5. Tangible objectives: all of them have a measure indicator associated.

The structure of the 3rd plan has four core ideas:

Area 1. The people, the main challenges of which are: the elaboration of an integral Plan of conciliation and co-responsibility (PAS, PDI and students), the work to prevent and face gender violence and training, access and professional careers in the UV.

Area 2. The key processes of the Universitat, the main challenges of which are: measuring the transversal degree of gender perspective in teaching and research and advance in obtaining it in the main areas.

Area 3. The Governance and the Equality Observatory, the main challenges of    which are: improving the presence of women in position of responsibility and maintaining updated indicators at the Equality Observatory.

Area 4. The Culture of Equality, the main challenges of which are: to consolidate the UV as an equal university, as well as keeping an eye on a non-sexist use of language and the importance of visibility for women.

Challenges of the III Equality Plan

a) Conciliation and co-responsibility

b) Action against gender violence.

c)  Transversally of the gender perspective university gender and research.

d) Training in equality and against gender violence.

The UV Statutes contemplate the first two as fundamental objectives in the development of equality policies. Specifically, the second Section: On equality, Article 241 bis reads as follows:

The Universitat de València has among its fundamental objectives the development of equality policies between women and men, the promotion of active policies that promote the conciliation of work, personal and family life, just as the fight against gender violence.

a) Conciliation and co-responsibility

According to the ambitious content in matters of electoral program of the candidate for elections in 2018, and current rector, María Vicente Mestre, one of the great challenges of the III Equality Plan is in its Area 1, dedicated to People, the first Objective of which focuses on promoting conciliation and co-responsibility in the UV.

b) Action against gender violence.

In this III Equality Plan, the Universitat de València has set itself the great objective of ensuring that the institutional climate is one of "zero tolerance" in the face of gender violence, providing adequate protection for the victims. One of the actions planned is to create ‘’Espacios violetas’’ in the Centres to disseminate policies, documents and events on equality and against gender violence, as well as ‘’Puntos violetas’’ at university parties.

c) Transversally of the gender perspective university gender and research.

In the field of education, the challenges of the III Equality Plan focus on making the gender perspective transversal in university education, highlighting, among other actions, "Approve a Plan to make gender transversal in all degrees". Also favour the continuation of the training offer in the field of research through the course of Incorporation of Gender Analysis into Research (IAGI).

d) Training in equality and against gender violence

Finally, in order to deal effectively with these challenges, it is necessary to make a significant training effort to ensure the sensitivity, efficiency and effectiveness of each member of the university community that has to intervene in overcoming the previous challenges.

Annual accounts of the Universitat 2018

On the other hand, the manager, Juan Vicente Climent, has handed in the annual account of 2018. These accounts comprise the liquidation state of the budget, the balance, the accounts of the economical-patrimonial results and the memory. In the budget of the income, the rights recognised in 2018 are a total of 420.422.427 euros. This sum of money represents a degree of execution of 100, 7% in relation with the definitive budget, without taking into account the remaining amount of the previous' year treasury. The budget for expenses is 397.131367, with a degree of accomplishments of 95%. The balance of the treasury to the date of 31 December of 2018 amounts to 10.405.855 euros.

Language Centre

Before the Government Council, the annual accounts and the management of the Language Centre (School of Languages) of the Universitat correspondent to the year 2018 have been approved. According to its director, José Martínez Luciano, the centre has closed financial year with benefits close to 114,000 euros, which will be applied to stock and capitalisation. The centre has a personnel of around 48 people (in different modalities of hiring) and a demand of courses (general, intensive and Spanish for foreign learners) stable for years.

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