The Cinema Club organises the 1st Training Sessions on Audiovisual Creation and Development in search of emerging talent.

  • UV General Foundation
  • April 15th, 2021
La profesora Áurea Ortiz, directora del Aula de Cinema de la Universitat.
La profesora Áurea Ortiz, directora del Aula de Cinema de la Universitat.

The Cinema Club of the University of Valencia, through the University Culture Service and the General Foundation UV, is organising the 1st Training Sessions on Audiovisual Creation and Development, aimed at training and supporting emerging talent. They will be held at the Cultural Centre La Nau, from 26th to 28th April, under the new direction of professor and historian Áurea Ortiz. Renowned Valencian audiovisual professionals will be taking part in the event. Registration is free and already open.

These are the first training sessions designed specifically for university, training cycles and audiovisual school students with an interest in the creation and development of professional film projects. They are conceived as a first boost in the creation of a permanent training space where new talents in Valencian audiovisual creation can develop.

The course will include lectures and training workshops that will address the most important disciplines of filmmaking, such as scriptwriting, production, directing, finding finance and distribution. All will be carried out by renowned professionals from the Valencian audiovisual sector.

Thus, students will have the opportunity to attend master classes of Abdón Alcañiz, Valencian visual designer and art director ( ‘La casa de papel’, ‘Sky rojo’, ‘El embarcadero’…); Alejandra Mora, executive producer and co-founder of Quatre Films Alejandra Mora (‘Un blues para Teherán’, by Javier Tolentino); Chema García Ibarra, filmmaker from Elche; Celia Riera, cinematographer; Enric Albero, journalist (‘El Cultural’, ‘Cinemanía’…) or Irene Cubells, cultural manager (‘Curts’, ‘La Cabina’), among others.

The sessions will be entirely on-site and registration (free of charge) can be done through the app

Professor Áurea Ortiz, new director of the Cinema Club

The 1st Training Sessions on Audiovisual Creation and Development will be directed by the professor and film historian Áurea Ortiz, whose appointment was recently made at the proposal of the University’s Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport.

Áurea Ortiz is a member of the Filmoteca Valenciana team and professor in History of Art at the University of Valencia. Her research topics, presented in publications, seminars, exhibitions and conferences, include Spanish film history, relationship between cinema and arts, and women representation in the audiovisual production. She has been a juror and contributor to numerous film festivals. She currently comments on series in ‘Culturplaza’, a specialised cultural publication of the digital newspaper ‘Valencia Plaza’, and in the podcast ‘Laboratorio de Investigación de Series ‘(Podium Podcast).

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