The conferences of UNISOCIETAT continue in May

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • May 6th, 2019
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Researchers and professors of the Universitat de València will give conferences about different topics in Cullera, Bétera, Alzira, l’Eliana, Massamagrell, Paterna, Quart de Poblet, Requena, Riba-roja de Túria, Ontinyent and Gandia along this month. This complementary activity of the academic year of UNISOCIETAT has free entry.

The series of conferences UNISOCIETAT, primavera 2019 has been organized by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, with the collaboration of the city halls of the 12 towns were the programme UNISOCIETAT is imparted, counts with the economic collaboration of the ‘Deputación de València’, ‘Caixa Popular’ (in 10 headquarters), ‘Caixa Ontinyent’ (in the capital of La Vall d’Albaida’) and the Santander (in Unimajors Gandia). The aim of these multidisciplinary conferences are to complement the academic courses of the UNISOCIETAT programme, which counts with the support of the ‘Diputación de València’ and gathers more than 1.700 students during the course 2018-2019.

The first conference of May will be celebrated the 7th of May in Cullera and Alzira. The municipal auditory of Cullera will host the conference Pintura valenciana en la época de Sorolla: tradición y modernidad in charge of the profesor Ester Alba (department Art History). The centre of education of adult people ‘Enric Valor’ From Alzira will be the scenario of the talk La toponomia como element descriptor del paisaje. El caso de la Ribera del Xúquer.

On Wednesday, 8th of May, the conferences will arrive to Bétera and Gandia. The professor Dolores Corella (Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Science, Toxicology and Legal Medicina) will offer the conference ¿Influyen nuestros genes en nuestros patrones de alimentación? in the castle of Bétera. The International Centre of Gandia will host the conference Marqueting sensorial: ¿compramos con los cinco sentidos? with the professor Walesska Schesinger (Commercialization and Research of Trade).

On Thursday 9th of May, Teresa Savall (Applied Economics) will give in the Centre Social in Riba-roja de Túria the conference: L'agroecologia i els grups de consum. Reinventant l'economia social.

On the 14th of May, the Centre Municipal de Formació de Persones Adultes in L’Eliana will host the conference Economia de pa sucat amb oli: com són els impostos que paguem?, given by Francisco Higón (Applied Economics).

On the 15th of May, Marc Baldó (Modern and Contemporary History) will be in Quart de Poblet holding the conference Republicans vençuts: dels camps de refugiats francesos a Mauthausen-Gusen (1939-1945).

 On Thursday 16th of May, the conference cycle will be held in Massamagrell and Ontinyent.  The lecturer Pura Peris (Financial Law and Legal History) will deal with the taxes in the Centre Cultural de Massamagrell.  The Centre Cultural of Caixa Ontinyent will host Esperanza Navarro (Developmental and Educational Psychology) who will cope with the key point of the population ageing Claus de l'envelliment amb èxit en el món. Per què ens interessen les Zones Blaves?

On the 23th of May, Mónica Bolufer (Department of Modern and Contemporary History) will give a conference on women and Illustration under the title Dones i Il·lustració a Europa i Amèrica in the Centre Social de Campament in Paterna.

On the 30th of May the Espai Cultural Feliciano Antonio Yeves in Requena will be hosting the speech of Juan Miguel Company (Language Theory and  Communication Sciences) whose title is Què ens compta el cinema hui

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