Cross-generational encounter between Geography and Environment undergraduate students and Nau Gran students

  • Press Office
  • May 9th, 2022
Participants in the encounter.
Participants in the encounter.

On May 5 the first cross-generational encounter took place at the Centre Cultural La Nau of the Universitat de València. Second year students of the Geography and Environment degree reunited with first year students of the Societat i Territori of Nau Gran, a programme for people over 55 years old. Both degrees are given by the Faculty of Geography and History. The encounter was organized by the professor María Pilar Peñarrubia Zaragoza from the Department of Geography of the Universitat de València.

The objective of the activity was that the students from both degrees could openly share, in a relaxed environment, different generational visions about territorial aspects of common interest based on their analysis, reflection and debate.

The participants talked about current geographical aspects like demographic trends, the role of new technologies in the territory and the duality of life, past and present, in rural and urban areas. This subjects were previously introduced to both groups in the Human Geography course given by professor Peñarrubia.

The initiative was a great success in terms of participation by both generations, and at the same time it far exceeded the expectations and satisfaction of the attendees, who valued this meeting very positively.