The Faculty of Language Studies hosts a conference given by the president of the Aranese Academy of Occitan language

  • May 25th, 2017
Academia Aranesa dera Lengua Occitana

Jusèp Loís Socasau, president of the Aranese Academy of Occitan language, gives on Friday (26 May) a conference at the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València. His conference will start at 16:00h at the Cultural Centre La Nau and is titled ‘L’encaix de l’aranès en la normative estàndar de l’occità’.

The Institut d’ Estudis Aranesi is an academic institution that has the aim of establishing and updating the aranese regulation, and promoting its research and study. It was created in 2002 and depends on the General Council of Aran, which approved its recognition as a linguistic authority of the Aranese language in the Aran Valley in 2008. And it was recognized in 2010 by the Occitan Law as the Aranese of the Aran Valley. In January 2014, the Catalan government adopted a law that allowed to expand this function over all the Catalan territory, where the Aranese is the official language together with Catalan and Spanish, according to the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 2006. It exercises regulatory authority over public administrations and organisms that depend, private and state schools and state-owned media.

Jusèp Loís Sans is graduated in General Basic Education at the Universitat Autònoma in Barcelona, and has a master’s degree in Oral Texts Correction at the University of Lleida. Furthermore, he is graduated in Mestre de Catall i de ‘capacitacion entar ensenhament der occitan dera Val d’Aran’. Apart from being the coordinator of Oficina de Foment e Ensenhament der Aranés deth Conselh Generau d’Aran (1996-2007), he was also the director of the ‘Programa entara creacion dera Oficina Occitan en Catalonha dera Secretaria de Politica Lingüística deth Departament dera Vicepresidéncia dera Generalitat de Catalonha (2007-2010). He is the director of language policy of the Conselh Generau d’Aran (2011-2014), and author of ‘Liéger Gascon (libre de texte-1997), ‘Ei Viu er Aranés’ (Cors de Sociolingüistica entl ESO-1997), ‘Er Aranés : Leis e Estudis’ (Libre texte - 1997), ‘Er Estudi ena Memoria (Edit Pages, 2006), ‘Occitan en Catalonha’ (Edit Pagés, 2008), y ‘Quina Academia entar aranés’ (Conselh Generau 2014).