The Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication hosts the XII Jornada d’Onomàstica de l’AVL

  • Press Office
  • May 7th, 2019
Poster of the conference
Poster of the conference

Experts in toponymy from all over the country will take part in the conferences organised by the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL) on the 9th and 10th of May at the Universitat de València.

The conference will begin on the 9th of May at 9:15 with the inauguration of the act and an exhibition of the cartographic series CV 50 and CV 100 from the Institut Cartogràfic Valencià. Next, there will be two workshops in which experts will show, on the one hand, the criteria and methodology of the standardisation of toponymy and, on the other hand, how to work with cartography and toponymy jointly, and the elaboration of a toponymic catalogue of names. After the workshops, there will be a lecture about the work of the standardisation of onomastics in the field of academies: study, assessment and information.

In the afternoon, there will be two more workshops. One will tackle the teaching methodology of toponymy in Bachillerato and the university and the other will deal with Hispanic onomastics. The conference of the first day will end with the lecture ‘La tasca de L’AVL i de l’ICV in toponymy: l’elaboració del Nomenclàtor Toponímic Valencià’, by Maite Mollà and Carlos Embuena.

On the 10th of April, the second conference will include three sessions. The first one, at 9:00, about ‘La CENG i el tractament de la toponímia oficial supraautonómica en el Nomenclator Geogràfic Bàsic d’Espanya.’ The second one, at 9:45, about ‘El treball de recerca en les acadèmies de la llengua i la repercusió en els seus àmbits de referència: punts de col·laboració.’ The third one, at 11:30, titled ‘Per a una onomàstica hispànica (Onomas- Ticon Hispaniae) com a col·laboració de les diferents acadèmies i universitats.’

In the afternoon, at 16:00, there will be an analysis about the main difficulties of the standardisation of toponymy by academies.

People who wish to attend may do so by enrolling on the website of AVL. The organisation will deliver certificates of attendance to the conference and the workshops and, in addition, the conference will be published.

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