The General Foundation of the Universitat de València publishes its Annual Report detailing the more than a thousand actions developed in 2018

  • UV General Foundation
  • April 8th, 2019
Children playing in 'La Nau de Xiquets i Xiquetes'

The General Foundation of the Universitat de València has published the annual report detailing their activity along 2018, passed by its Trust on the 26th of March. The information is available online on:

The actions carried out over 2018 by the General Foundation are linked to the three main areas which form their organisational structure:  Culture and Training, University Services and Solidarity. Summing up, more than a thousand developed open-code projects, programmes and actions.

Culturally, the Foundation has collaborated in the production, coordination and assembly or dissemination of the 27th exhibitions, which have been visited by thousands of people in different spaces of the university:  Cultural Centre La Nau, Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence or Palau de Cerveró.

In this context, the activity carried out by the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection, which manages and disseminates the art contemporary collection of the Universitat de València.  In 2018, this Foundation organised three great exhibitions focused on the works of Rafael Armegol, Joan Verdú and Isidre Manils.  Moreover, they have worked in order to show a part of the collection in the cultural space ‘Menador’ of Castelló and also in an exhibition in the ‘Monestir de Sant Miquel dels Reis’.

The Music Activity Area has organised more than 70 concerts, interpreted by the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València, headed by Beatriz Fernández; by the Choral Club La Nau Gran and the Choral School La Nau, headed by Mónica Perales; by the University Choral Society of València, headed by Francesc Valldecabres; and by ‘La colla de Dolçaines and Percussió’ of the Universitat de València, headed by Juan Ramón Martí i Chulià.  The organisation of the festival ‘Serenates a la Nau’ is included in the events, in particular, this is an annual event surrounded by music which takes place in the cloister of the historical building of the University of València.  More than 27,000 attendants have enjoyed this wide offer.

The section of Performing Arts of the General Foundation has participated in the management of 64 theatre plays and dancing performances, whose audience has overcome the numbers of the previous years with more than 6,000 attendants.  The Theatre Group of the Universitat de València ASSAIG created the theatre project in 2018 ‘Assaig als pobles’, whose main goal is to bring together the theatre and the University in the Valencian Regions with the perform ‘La patti de paixcaors’ by Eduard Escalante.

Furthermore, in 2018 the  ‘Erasmus Scene European Festival’ took place, the first European theatre encounter which brought together all the members of the network.  In the encounter, the attendants released new theatre productions in which students from more than 25 countries participated. 

Something innovative is the rellevance taken by the Foundation in the organisation of the Summer School of the Universitat de València ‘La Nau dels Xiquets i les Xiquetes’ and ‘La Nau Jove’, developed as a ludic and training university space.  The activities, drawn from a guiding threat, have been focused on traditions, professions and customs of our culture.

The group Alumni UV, with approximately 2,500 members, has organised 56 activities, from cultural excursions to Reading Clubs, workshops and speeches.

Regarding the academic training, there have been 95 courses and workshops carried out by the different services of the university.  The work of the International Centre of Gandia, which in 2018 celebrated the 35th edition of the Summer University with 11 courses, 8 workshops and one seminar, for which approximately 600 persons have applied.

University Services

When assisting university, the Foundation is the organiser of the activities carried out by the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities, which has assisted more than 1,200 students, lecturers and administration and services staff over 2018. 

The Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre has changed its name to UVOcupació in 2018 and it currently has a more eye-catching web page and a new model to carry out the ‘Fòrum ocupació i Emprendedoria’, which is now more specific for each faculty although it has still a joint collaboration with each centre.

As a part of his service as a placement agency, it has achieved the labour integration of 138 graduates and 38 people with disabilities with the programme ‘Talent i Capacitat a la Universitat’.


The General Foundation of the Universitat de València dedicates great efforts to solidarity through its Cooperation Area and CUDAP.

Regarding university cooperation for development, the Foundation has been working in different aspects such as academic training, documenting and awareness-raising.  On the other hand, 18 projects on health, education, gender equality, justice, entrepreneurship and heritage have been carried out in more than 13 countries and in parts of America and Africa.

Finally, the CUDAP has been working on 178 records of children with disorders in their development through its welcome, assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic assistance programmes.

Some other remarkable aspects are the participation of the Foundation in the programmes of Escola Europea del Pensament Lluís Vives (with 34 activities), ‘Art i Ment d’intervenció cultural per a la integració dels menors’ and IMP (International Programme of assessment); as well as its implication in some networks of foundations such as the ‘Asociación Española de Fundaciones’, the network ‘Anna Lindh’ or ‘Alumni España’, among others.

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