Grants for educational innovation projects and improvement of the teaching quality for the academic year 2015/16

  • April 22nd, 2016
Grants for projects

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Training Policies and Educational Quality has opened the registration term to apply for grants for educational innovation projects and improvement of the teaching quality for the academic year 2015/16 The registration term is opened and the deadline for applications is 20 May.

The new call is inside three different programmes (Innovation Centre Plan, Renovation of Teaching Methodologies and Stable Groups and Continuous Innovation Networks), with special attention to six action points of strategic character (use of ICTs; participation of students; teaching in English; connection of graduates with the labour market; improvement of the study programme and transfer of knowledge).

From the academic year 2003/2004, the Universitat de València has being making an important institutional effort to motivate educational innovation in university studies and, therefore, collaborating to improve teaching in the context of construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Now, continuing last academic year approach, it is expected to emphasise on the transfer of those innovating actions to the improvement of teaching excellence.

For that, the Office of the Vice-Principal for Training Policies and Educational Quality of the Universitat de València, presents a call inside three different programmes:

The A programme, Innovation Centre Plan, intends to highlight the teaching coordination between the different modules of the same degree or even of modules of different degrees, either taught at the same Centre or not;

The B programme, Renovation of Teaching Methodologies intends to experiment testing scenarios of new methodological tools and renewed techniques of improvement of the process of teaching-learning;

The C programme, Stable Groups and Continuous Innovation Networks, is oriented to the forming of innovation groups and networks, through the collaboration with other universities, giving space to teachers from other levels of the educational system.

These three programmes are linked together in a synergic way with six strategic action points that, without denying the possibility of working in other areas, will have a priority treatment, at the same they are aspects particularly liked to the improvement of the quality of university teaching:

Use of ICTs and the elaboration of open materials;

Promotion of participation of students in the improvement of the teaching-learning processes.

Support to the increase of teaching in English.

Development of activities that facilitate the connection of graduates in the labour market.

Improvement of the study plans, with the accreditation and obtaining quality seals.

To valuate and to transfer knowledge and research in matter of educational innovation.

The registration term will be from 22 April to 20 May 2016. There will be a second registration term from 13 October to 14 November 2016.

The applications will be presented through the online office of the Universitat de València (ENTREU) available on

More information at the centre webpage and the service webpage

Last update: 22 de april de 2016 08:35.