Iñaki Gabilondo, tomorrow in the fiftieth anniversary of Mathematics studies at the UV

  • May 8th, 2017
Iñaki Gabilondo

The journalist Iñaki Gabilondo takes part tomorrow Tuesday (9 May) in the events on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Mathematics studies at the Universitat de València. The conference is part of the series ‘Como nos ven: las Matemáticas desde la otra orilla’. The conference will be followed by a colloquium. Gabilondo is invested as ‘honoris causa’ by the Universitat de València. The ceremony will be broadcasted by MediaUni.

The event will take place at 12:00h in the Charles Darwin Assembly Hall of the Aulari Interfacultatiu at the Burjassot Campus.

Inañi Gabilondo was born in San Sebastián in 1942. He is graduated in Journalism by the University of Navarra. He was elected director of COPE in San Sebastián when he was 26 years old. Next year, he became director of the radio station SER, located also in the same city. In 1971 he assumed the direction of Radio Sevilla. Few years later, in 1978 he was in charge of the management and coordination of the news section la SER. And next year, he became the director of this radio station. In 1981 he resigned and started to work as the director of the news of the Spanish Television TVE.  In this period he experienced the attempted coup 23-F, an exceptional situation that led him to be the anchor of the evening news. Gabilondo has worked in the audiovisual sector for more than 40 years and became an undeniable model of the Spanish radio in ‘Hoy por Hoy’ of Cadena SER. He created and managed this radio programme for 20 years and became the most listened programme in radio history with more than 3,300.000 daily listeners.

His television experience is not only focused on his professional career in RTVE and Radio Televisión 16. Later, he has combined his SER labour with several TV programmes in different channels: ‘En fmailia’ (TVE), ‘Iñaki, los jueves’ (Forta), Gente de Primera (TVE) and Informativos de Telecinco.  In 2005, he joined Cuatro project and then CNN+, where he managed the evening news “HOY”.

He has been awarded with the most important prizes of the journalism field: Ortega y Gasset, Cerecedo, Asociación de la Prensa, Gandhi Medal by UNESCO, Miguel Delibes and seven ONDAS prizes, among others.

He is doctor honoris causa by the Universitat de València, Lleida, Burgos and Rey Juan Carlos University and the Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.

Nowadays, apart from collaborating with his comments every morning in the Cadena SER programme “Hoy por Hoy”, he develops his videoblog “La Firma de Iñaki Gabilondo” for the El País and Cadena SER and hosts the programme “Cuando ya no esté” in the channel #0 of Movistar +. This programme is composed of interviews about the world in 25 years with international people of the scientific, technological and philosophical field.