The International professional opportunities focus a session in the Universitat

  • April 29th, 2016
OPAL ‘Oportunidades Internacionales de Empleo’

OPAL-Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre of the Universitat de València organised last 26 April the session ‘Oportunidades Internacionales de Empleo’ (International Employment Opportunities) in the Faculty of Law. Tens of students and graduates got direct information or representatives organizations in management of international mobility.

Speakers of the organizations Red Eures, Eurodisee, Eurodesk, Europe Directe, IVACE and the Languages Centre of the Universitat de València offered important information about the situation of the labour market in the European Union as well as in other important ones and the possibilities of acquire competences valued by companies through grants, training and voluntary work. 

Programs, like the ones which support the companies internationalization with the preparation of specialised staff through training and stay grants, awaked the interest between the act attendants. The most of the people who participated in these grands find a quality job in a minimum place of time.

On the other hand, it was clear that health professionals with a good language level of the destination country find job quickly.

As well, it spotlighted the importance of performing different activities in the frame of participation and international voluntary work, because with these experiences, apart from the personal satisfaction and the improvement of the language, they acquire personal and generic competences very valued by the companies. (flexibility, team work, social skill, communication, initiative, etc).

Finally, it was evident the importance of having a property language level, mainly english, to acces to these resource and programmes