The ESAD and the Conservatorio de Danza de Valencia inaugurate the University's theatre programme

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • February 5th, 2019
La vaca que ríe. Foto: Nerea Coll.
La vaca que ríe. Foto: Nerea Coll.

The Aula d'Arts Escèniques from the University of Valencia begins this year's programme with two research projects from the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático from Valencia (ESAD) and the Conservatorio Superior de Danza from Valencia (CSD). Both plays, 'Paisajes narrativos' and 'Variaciones sobre la interpretación en teatro y danza: laboratorio de creación a partir de la consagración de la primavera de Pina Bausch (1975)', will take place on the 6th and 7th of February and will also include colloquiums from the participants of the educative centres. This four month's programme, under the slogan 'Literatura y educación', (Literature and education) has a clear educational character and will be carried out from February until June.

The programme will go on the 13th and 14th of February with ‘Classe’, a play written by Guillermo Calderón and directed by Xavier Puchades that takes place in a high school during the last year of Bachillerato. Teatrencompanya i La Medusa theatre groups will be in charge of the performance. On the 20nd and 21st, it will be the time for ‘Només es perd el que es guarda’, written by Rosa Sanmartín and Inma Gardín and directed by the latter. In this play, they will recreate the character of Antonio Machado during his exile in Valencia (1937-1939). Finally, during the 27th and 28th, the last play will be Josefina Aldecoa’s ‘Historia de una maestra’, directed by Gemma Miralles.

On the 6th of March, they will host the screening and colloquium with the choreographers from ‘Video-Danza’ at the Sala Muralla in Colegio Mayor Rector Peset. Also during the 6th and the 7th, due to the celebration of the International Women’s Day, the actress and dancer Pepa Cases will perform ‘Bésame 2.0’ at La Nau, a dance and theatre project that addresses gender violence in a close and intimate way. The performance will be followed by a social gathering with a pedagogue and a didactic workshop on prevention for young people. The programme will continue with ‘El viaje de las palabras’ (March 13th and 14th) by Carles Sanchis and Rocío Chico; ‘Solano Reyes era un vencido y sufría derrotas cada día’ (20th and 21st), about the relationship between a man in the decline of his existence and his nephew, and ‘Solo creo en el fuego’, a play performed by Los Prometidos and written and directed by Carlos Martín-Peñasco and Ángela Palacios, that goes deep into the relationship between the French writer Anaïs Nin and the American novelist Henry Miller.

In April, the Aula d’Arts Escèniques from the University of Valencia will be one of the locations of the Festival Dansa València. It will also welcome the poetic and visual show performed with puppets ‘El Viatge de Ulisses’ (on the 3rd and 4th), under the direction of Roger Fresquet and Kiranola Teatre and ‘La vaca que riu’ by Patricia Pardo on the 16th and 17th of April. This play represents the classic circus  clowns  persecution as a way of tackling the validity of institutional torture by the Spanish government.

This four month’s programme will end with the works of the theatre groups from the University of Valencia and it will take place during May and June. ‘Esquerdes’ (May 7th, 8th and 9th) by Clàudia Serra will be performed by ASSAIG, the theatre group from the university, and is directed by Pep Sanchis. Also under his direction, it will take place the second level Mostra de Taller Permanent de Teatre of the University of Valencia (May 15th and 16th) and the first level Mostra de Taller Permanent de Teatre (May 22nd and 23rd). On May 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st they will premiere ‘Les europes menudes’, organised by Escena Erasmus and the Área de Cultura de la Diputació de València. This show will be directed by Javier Sahuquillo, Josep Valero and Daniel Tormo.

Finally, in June the Amics de la Nau Gran and Gent Gran will perform their plays.

All plays will take place at the Sala Matilde Salvador from the Centre Cultural La Nau at 19:30. Every Wednesday, the theatre companies will do a colloquium with the audience.

As a complement to this course’s programme, the Aula d’Arts Escèniques from the University of Valencia, together with the Institut Valencià de Cultura, will continue with the ‘Seminari Permanent d’Arts Escèniques’ (Permanent Performing Arts Seminar) under the slogan #identitat. On Februrary 19th, there will be a seminar on the show ‘Tirant’ and on March 26th there will be one analysing the show ‘Tot explota’, both performed at the Rialto Theatre in Valencia. The sessions will take place in the Sala Matilde Salvador at 19:30 and both faculty members from the University of Valencia and the artistic teams from the productions will participate in them. Attendance is free of charge.

The Aula d’Arts Escèniques is an university theatre project from the University of Valencia that began in 1985. This initiative, conducted by Laura Monrós, is aimed at both university and general public and it keeps a steady programme during the whole academic year. Besides, it hosts dance and theatre workshops for university students, people over 55 years old and Erasmus students.


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