La Nau Cultural Centre of the University of Valencia hosts an event on the occasion of the IV Mediation Week in the Valencian Community

  • Office of the Principal
  • May 21st, 2021

The event is part of the activities organised by the five Valencian public universities. together with the Valencian Regional Ministry, on the occasion of the IV Mediation Week in the Valencian Community. The opportunity was also taken to present the Institutional Chair “Culture for Mediation”.

The principal of the University of Valencia, M. Vicenta Mestre; the director general for Justice of the Valencian Community, Àngels Bixquert; and the Valencian minister for Justice, Public Administration, Democratic Reforms and Public Liberties, Gabriela Bravo, were in charge of inaugurating the IV Week of Mediation in the Valencian Community. The event took place within the framework of the agreement signed between the University and the Regional Ministry and had the main goal of dealing with questions around the present and the future of mediation and promoting debate and interaction between the different agents involved in this process.  

The event was attended by Helena Soleto, professor of Procedural Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid, and Ana María Carrascosa, advisor to the junior minister of the Ministry of Justice. They gave the conference "The integration of ADR in Justice: Reflections on the Draft Bill on Procedural Efficiency Measures for the Public Justice Service", a dissertation included in the series of meetings and activities organised by the five Valencian public universities, together with the official associations from this field and with the support of the Regional Ministry, on the occasion of the IV Mediation Week in the Valencian Community. 

The attendees of the conference, which was aimed at mediators and mediation entities, public administrations and magistrates, judges, prosecutors and workers of the Administration of Justice, witnessed the presentation of the Institutional Chair "Culture for Mediation" by the vice-principal for Equality, Sustainability and Diversity of the University of Valencia, Elena Martínez; the dean of the Faculty of Law of the UV, Javier Palao; and the director of the Chair, Silvia Barona. They were also able to enjoy the meeting of academics for mediation, in which academic activities and projects were presented, as well as proposals for the future.