La Nau holds a roundtable about the centenary of the birth of Ricardo Bastid, Valencian painter and writer

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • November 5th, 2019
Ricardo Bastid.
Ricardo Bastid.

On Tuesday 5 November, at 7:00 p.m., the Centre Cultural La Nau of the Universitat de València will hold a roundtable ‘100 años de Ricardo Bastid Peris: memoria y posmemoria’ (100 years of Ricardo Bastid Peris: memory and postmemory), about the centenary of the birth of the Valencian painter and writer. The act, which will be in Aula Magna, is organised by Aula d’Història i Memòria Democràtica of the Universitat de València and has the collaboration of Aula Historia Social of Complutense University of Madrid.

Recently reached 100 years of the painter and writer Ricardo Bastid Peris (Valencia, 1919 - Buenos Aires, 1966), stands out the forgetfulness that accompanies its figure. From the truth of the postmemory, its nephew Milde Tomás Bastid has tried to carry out a recovery exercise and valuing the work and history of her uncle, true reflection of a deep democratic commitment. This event is contemplated as link between the academic work - that tries to fix the absence of studies about Bastid - and the speech of the memory that has survived in his family; a legacy of undeniable importance for understanding better the turbulent recent past of Spain.  

In the conference will talk Marc Baldó, full university Professor of Contemporary History of Universitat de València; Pablo Allepuz and Óscar Chaves, art historiorians of Instituto de Historia del CSIC (History Institut of Spanish Research Council) and Complutense University of Madrid; and the nephew of Ricado Bastid, Milde Tomás Bastid. Free entrance until complete capacity.

About Ricard Bastid

Ricardo Bastid Peris was born in calle Barcelona, València, on 19 September 1919. He was painter and writer with politic commitment whose work has stayed unknown for many people due to the turbulent events that marked his life. Ricardo Bastid was communist militant since 1936 and he suffered the politic persecution and imprisonment after the defeat in the Spanish Civil War, which made him exile in Argentina in the 50’s. He died because of a traffic accident in Buenos Aires on 23 May 1966, when he was 46 years old and he was in the fullness of its personal and artistic maturity.