The UV will suspend academic mobility and double degree programmes with Russian universities for the next academic year 2022-2023

  • Office of the Principal
  • March 11st, 2022
La UV suspendrà els programes de mobilitat acadèmica i de doble titulació amb universitats russes el proper curs 2022-23

“The Russian government has to understand that its actions must have consequences, and we will try not to harm people as much as possible”. This has been informed to the Governing Council by the principal Mª Vicenta Mestre, after the coordination meetings held both with the faculties of the UV and with the different Spanish universities with collaboration agreements with Russian universities.

Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, which led to the start of the current war, was condemned from the outset by the Universitat de València, in line with the positions of the networks of which the UV forms part: the FORTHEM alliance of European universities, the Association of European Universities (UEA), CRUE-Spanish Universities and the Vives University Network.

You can check the position of the Universitat de València in relation to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine by following this link:

On Thursday 10th March, the Governing Council of the Universitat de València observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of this conflict.

Measures taken by the Universitat de València

In her speech to the Governing Council, the principal of the Universitat de València informed that, “from the statutory position of our University in the defence of peace, in the context of the European Commission, the European University Association (EUA), CRUE-Spanish Universities, the Confederation of Spanish Scientific Societies (COSCE) and the Federation of Spanish Scientific and Medical Associations (FACME) recommendations, the first of the consequences is the interruption of these academic cooperation activities of our University with Russia”.

Thus, from the first moment, the activities of the Russian Centre of the Universitat de València were suspended.

The principal Mª Vicenta Mestre explained it this way: “It is true that the activities of the Russian Centre are cultural and academic, but it is also true that the Russian government has to understand that its military, illegal, criminal and disrespectful actions must have consequences”.

Information about this activities suspension of the Russian Centre of the University is available at this link:

The other measure of academic cooperation affects the mobility programmes and international double degree programmes of the Universitat de València.

Current situation of Valencian students in Russia

The principal Mª Vicenta Mestre stressed the importance of adopting these measures, but also pointed out that the objective of the University is “the safety of people, and also not to harm their academic development”.

During this academic year, five students from the Universitat de València participated in mobility programmes in Russia.

Only three out of five students from our University to Russian universities were in Russia at the beginning of the military intervention in Ukraine, as the principal explained to the Governing Council, where she reported that the Universitat has been in contact with these students since the beginning of the conflict.

One student has returned to Valencia this week, and the other two have been recommended by the University to return.

“We are working on finding a mobility alternative for this student for the next academic year in another destination, in order to complete his study programme”, the principal informed the Governing Council.

Another Valencian student will return to València next week, according to forecasts and following the advice of the University, which is working to find an alternative practical training that will allow her to complete her studies in the international double degree programme.

Finally, the third student who continues in Russia has been recommended by the University to return to Valencia, given that if he wants to continue with his studies this term he will have all the institutional support, but it will always be under his responsibility.

Current situation of Russian students at the Universitat de València

There are a total of ten students of Russian nationality participating in mobility programmes at the Universitat de València.

The Universitat de València has recommended these students to return to their country, and they will have the support of the University to be able to return, both in administrative terms and, if necessary, financially.

If these students decide to continue their education at the Universitat de València, they will also have the support of the UV, but it will also be their responsibility.

“We are going to guarantee that they will be able to finish this year, because they cannot be victims of their government, but if they wish to continue in Spain they will have to assume the consequences that derive from the sanction measures in Russia adopted by the international community”, the principal informed the Governing Council.

Suspension of mobility programmes with Russia for the academic year 2022-2023

The Universitat de València, in coordination with Spanish universities with collaboration agreements with Russian universities, has agreed to suspend mobility programmes with Russia, including double degree programmes, for the academic year 2022-2023.

This will mean the need to respond to people who had planned to do an international double degree, who have studied in a programme specifically aimed at this academic objective, and who will now not be able to enjoy this experience.

The principal of the Universitat de València informed the Governing Council that, in a coordinated action with the centres, each of these students will be given the opportunity to create a personalised curriculum.

A Comprehensive Action Plan in Support of Ukraine and a minute of silence for the victims

This academic year the Universitat de València has a total of six Ukrainian students participating in mobility programmes but with origin in universities of the European Union.

In this sense, the Vice-principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation is assessing the needs of Ukrainian students at the Universitat de València.

At the Governing Council meeting on Thursday 10th March, the principal Mª Vicenta Mestre announced that the Universitat de València is working on a Comprehensive Action Plan to support people from the Ukrainian university community.

The Governing Council observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of this military intervention, which was described by the principal as “illegal, criminal and disrespectful to people”, as well as a violation of international law and Human Rights.

You can access this information by following this link to UVnews: