Ontinyent will host the UniverSalut fair in April

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • January 31st, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

The Universitat de València and the Ontinyent City Council are organising 'UniverSalut', a fair that aims to promote healthy habits among the local population, through activities and advice provided by university students of different degrees from the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The vice-rector of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla and the mayor of Ontinyent, Jorge Rodríguez, met on Thursday 31 January to draw up the roadmap for the UniverSalut fair. This is a space for exchange and socialization to be held on April 1, in which teachers and students of the Faculty of UV Pharmacy will provide free training in healthy habits and report on the most prominent health problems.

Jorge Hermosilla stressed the importance of having a university campus in Ontinyent, as these activities are possible "thanks to institutional collaboration and the will of the Universitat to be at the service of society, where citizens improve their education”.

The mayor highlighted how interesting it could be for Ontinyent's residents a contest focused on health that will consist of workshops to detect high blood pressure or healthy eating and nutrition, which can attract a wide age group.

UniverSalut aims to analyse the needs for professional services and propose solutions at local level, to encourage confidence in professionals as opposed to the invalid information offered by the Internet, to carry out training activities and to distribute informative material to reinforce the different audiences of the population and to encourage interdisciplinary work between representatives of the municipality, students and UV teachers.   This is an initiative of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and has the support of the Vicerectorate of Territorial Projection and Society. In addition to Ontinyent, UniverSalut will be organized in Villar del Arzobispo (La Serranía), as a pilot experience.