Open enrolment for the sport volunteering courses of the Universitat

  • Sports Service
  • September 21st, 2017
An sport volunteering course.
An sport volunteering course.

The Universitat de València opens on Friday 22 the self registration of training courses for sport volunteers of the Physical Education and Sports Service (SEFUV) of the first four months through its website. The SEFUV thus resumed the training of sports volunteers offered for several years to the students of the Universitat de València.

Through volunteering, university students will be able to get involved in various sport events in the city of Valencia and the competitions organised by the university. 

The university students registered in these courses will be trained in theoretical sessions on the different areas, will acquire knowledge about the importance of his/her labour in the society and how to develop it, and then will participate in the event from different positions, according to the needs of the competition. 

The events have different natures, from popular and social and charitable nature, to large international character: fun runs, cycle touring routes, exhibitions, etc. Furthermore, thanks to this offer, students of new degrees who take part in the sport volunteering courses may obtain ECTS credits.

The course registration will be open for the university community but also for the general public, until covering the places, through the web page under the Self-registration (Automatrícula) section.