Opening of the IV Physiotherapy Students Conference

  • Office of the Principal
  • February 12th, 2020

The Assembly of Student Representatives (ADR) of the Faculty of Physiotherapy has organised the IV Physiotherapy Students Conference dedicated to all students interested in deepening in specific topics of physiotherapy.

The assembly hall Joan Fuster of the Faculty of Geography and History will host the IV Physiotherapy Students Conference, organised by the ADR of the Faculty of Physiotherapy. The opening has been presided by the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes, Adela Valero, the Dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy, Antonio Alberola, the Dean of the Ilustre Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de la CV (Association of physiotherapists in the Valencian Country), José Casaña, the President of the Conference, Laura Borderia, and the Coordinator of the ADR Board, Sergio Rodríguez.

The Principal for the Universitat de València, María Vicenta Mestre, who could not attend the conference, has taken part in a video in which she wanted to highlight ‘the important role that physiotherapists play in our society, improving people’s life’ and ‘the good training that students of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the Universitat de València get’.

The Vice-principal Adela Valero has mentioned ‘the importance for the Universitat de València of conferences like this, that has been planned by and for students, supported by teachers from the Universitat as well as from other institutions, and by the office of de dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy’.

‘My words are words of thanks to all people who made this conference possible, to its organizing committee, also to the Administration and Services Staff (PAS) of the Faculty and to the university institution itself. All of them have spent their time and work to make this conference possible’, has detailed the Dean Antonio Alberola. The Dean has reminded that the Faculty of Physiotherapy’s social media have been recently opened, expressing his gratitude for the work of the vice-dean Pilar Serra.

The Dean of the Ilustre Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de la CV José Casaña has emphasised ‘the Association’s support and assistance in this conference, a fully consolidated conference that year after year increases its involvement and implication offering innovative and quality education’.

Laura Borderia has expressed her gratitude for the attendance of the students to this IV Conference ‘because you, the student body, give meaning to this conference’. Remembering the Benjamin Franklin’s quote: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn”, she has emphasised the importance of the implication to achieve a good training.

At the end, Sergi Rodríguez wanted to mention the role of the ADR ‘helping students: we are open to hear from you and boost and get all together a better training that benefits everyone in the faculty’s collective”.

The conference is divided in a theoretical part in the morning and a practical part in the afternoon. So, many talks about some physiotherapy aspects take place during the morning, and many workshops that provide the necessary practice to achieve a full training are taking place in the afternoon.