Publicacions de la Universitat, at the annual assembly of university publishers

  • Publications Service
  • November 13th, 2019
Cadiz assembly participants.
Cadiz assembly participants.

Publicacions de la Universitat de València will be present at the Asamblea Anual of the Unión de Editoriales Universitarias Españolas (UNE, Union of Spanish University Publishers), which will be held on November 14th and 15th in Cadiz. This assembly brings together, under the slogan ‘Conectamos conocimiento y sociedad’ (Connecting knowledge and society) the publishers and publication services of 70 universities and research centres throughout Spain. This 38th Edition of the General Assembly of the association wants to emphasise the contribution of university publications to the third mission of this institution.

During these two days of meetings, reports on editorial production and digital specialisation will be presented by the different universities and conferences and round tables will be held.  The UV will be present with the Director of the Publications Service of the Universitat de València, Josep Lluís Canet, and with the Chief Editor, Maite Simón, who will moderate on Thursday the round table on El papel del corrector en el futuro del libro (The role of the proofreader in the future of the book). The meeting will also be used to present SAD. Servicio de Antipiratería Digital (Digital Anti-Piracy Service) and will host the presentation of the 22nd National University Edition Awards and the National Prize for the Promotion of University Edition to Manuel Tuero, director of the Spanish State Agency Official State Gazette.

On November 2020 this Asamblea Anual will be held in Valencia, on the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the publishing house of the Universitat de València.  

The UNE has been promoting multiple projects that have contributed to the prestige of Spanish university books, both within and beyond our borders, including the CEA-APQ quality seal for academic publishing, which recognises the scientific and editorial quality of collections that exceed the requirements of information quality, editorial policy, editorial processes, reputation and prestige, and the creation of the sales platform for the Spanish university book Unebook, which currently sells 265,000 titles on paper and 12,000 e-books from Spanish universities and research centres, Latin American universities and private academic publishers.