Researchers of the UV launch a survey to analyse the citizen perception of relevant media and journalists

  • December 19th, 2016
Enquesta Percepcio Ciutadana sobre Mitjans i Periodistes rellevants

The Elections and Public Opinion Research Group (GIPEyOP) and the Political Communication and New Media Research Group (Mediaflows), headed by professors of the UV José Manuel Pavía and Guillermo López, respectively, have set in motion a study to analyse the public perception of relevant media and journalists.

To this effect, a digital survey has been launched ( in which the opinion of citizens about specific professional people and media, from written press as well as from radio and television, digital natives or traditional, is requested.

The survey, that will be active until the 31 December, is based in an open access methodology for the participation of all the citizenship. To improve the results, the researchers have asked each possible voter to fill the survey and pass the link of the questionnaire to his/her contacts in order to increase the number of answers. The survey includes questions about the ideological position, the credibility given to the media and journalists and the perception about their social influence. Furthermore, if the survey is done from Valencian provinces, it is also possible to give the opinion on some local media.

The survey has been designed to try to correct and mitigate the foreseeable biases that may introduce the fact of launching the survey on the Internet, the sample selection method and also with the aim of avoiding inconvenience on the survey respondents. The software used to conduct the survey is LimeSurvey, an open source application for the conducting online surveys.

The initiative is part of an innovative study in the Spanish context, that will allow knowing in a more detailed way the substantial aspects of the processes of perception of the information and the communicators. The results will be published at the beginning of 2017, once the collection of results is done. The study has the support of two research projects financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.