Student Council Coordination Board is renewed

  • Press Office
  • November 22nd, 2018
Joan Pelegi, AGE's coordinator
Joan Pelegi, AGE's coordinator

The Student Council (AGE) has renewed its coordination board. The new management is formed by Joan Pelegi Torres, Political Sciences student, as coordinator; Laura Barrios Oliver, Teacher Training student; as vice-coordinator; and Benjamín Velasco Onrubia, Political Sciences and Law student, as secretary. On their behalf, Aitana Cabedo Pérez, Tourism and Business Administration and Management student, will be responsible for the treasury; and other members will be Marta Meneu-Borja, Journalism student, David López Picó, studying in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Andrea Gómez, Law student.

The AGE is the highest body of students’ representation in the Universitat de València. It therefore carries out tasks of institutional representation of all students in the academic institution, both inside and outside it. It works with regional and national bodies such as the Valencian Inter-University Student Council.

It is also the body responsible for relations and interactions concerning the students within internal bodies of the University and external ones.

Together with the Students’ Delegation, it carries out some tasks on competences concerning the students and so defences their interests and rights.  

The AGE is made up of students from the University Senate on one part, and, on the other one, of members named by the Assembly of Students Representatives of each faculty (AdR).

The new board is aimed to reflect internal partnership’s plurality and the student movement in the Universitat de València by working in a coordinated manner.