The Universitat de València joins the Unesco Unitwin Network for Underwater Archaeology as an associated member

  • June 9th, 2017
Imagen de la noticia

The Universitat de València has become an associated member of the Unesco Unitwin Network for Underwater Archaeology. Unitwin was created to improve the protection and research of the underwater cultural heritage through the creation of links between universities and training institutions which work in the archaeology field.

This month of June it has been celebrated in the Unesco headquarters in Paris a session to speak about the admission of new members into the Network for Underwater Archaeology, whose purpose is the enhancement of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

The Universitat de València, especially through the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History, develops for more than 20 years, training activities in that field which are reflected in postgraduate diplomas with are organised together with Adeit annually or biannually.

Its director is Professor of Archaeology José Pérez Ballester, also director of the Master’s Degree in Archaeology, member of the Board of the National Museum of Underwater Archaeology, as well as the Scientific Committee to Follow the National Plan for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.

The co-director, Carlos De Juan Fuertes, is also member of the monitoring committee of the National Plan and co-director of the excavations in the High-imperial Roman wreckage of Bou Ferrer, in Vila Joiosa.