The Universitat de València offers artistic stays in the framework of the ‘Residir en la Investigación’ project

  • University Culture Service
  • April 30th, 2024
Cloister of the Universitat de València. La Nau.
Cloister of the Universitat de València. La Nau.

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, opens the 2nd artistic projects selection phase in the context of the first ‘Residir en la Investigación. Transferencia del conocimiento a través del arte’ contest. Transferencia del conocimiento a través del arte’. This project’s main objective is to promote the transference of the knowledge generated by the research groups of the Universitat though projects developed by a selection of artists that, during the time it takes for the project to be developed, will work hand in hand with a research group of the Universitat de València.

With this project, the Universitat de València initiates a commitment to artist stays as an element of research transfer. An initiative that combines the interest in research with artistry, a formula that builds bridges between creativity and research, so that society gets to know some of the lines of research that develop within the Universitat.

The selected artists will be able to develop their project during their stay in València, get to know the research groups and show their finished work in the spaces of the Universitat. The deadline for the presentation of applications has been extended to 15 May.

The total amount of aid to be granted is €12,000. Each selected artistic project will receive €3.000 for its production as well as being exhibited in one of the cultural spaces of the Universitat de València.

In this second phase, four projects closely related to the lines of research awarded in the first phase will be selected. The awarded lines are: ‘Estereotipos de género asociados a las actividades físico-deportivas’ (Gender stereotypes associated with physical-sports activities); ‘Medicina contemporánea, saberes, prácticas y escenarios. Ciencia, técnica y sociedad en la Edad Moderna. Ciencia, técnica y sociedad (siglos XIX - XX)’ (Contemporary medicine, knowledge, practices and scenarios. Science, technique and society in the Modern Era. Science, technique and society (XIX - XX centuries));  Ciencia, técnica y sociedad en la Edad Moderna. ‘Astrofísica extragaláctica y cosmología’ (Extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology) and ‘Aplicación de la perspectiva de género al estudio de las sociedades del pasado’ (Application of the gender perspective to the study of past societies).

The call for applications is open to any natural or legal person who wishes to present and develop their artistic proposal, be it individually or through associations, collectives or groups of natural persons. For legal persons, the application must be presented by its legal representative, whereas for groups and collectives, the application must be presented by a designated representative, who will have to state the different participants and their percentage of participation in the project.

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