The Universitat hosts the X Trobada Internacional d’Investigadors i Investigadores del Franquisme

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • November 13th, 2019
Conference poster.
Conference poster.

From November 13th to 15th, the Universitat de València becomes the venue of the X Trobada Internacional d’Investigadors i Investigadores del Franquisme (10th International Congress of Researchers of Francoism). It is the 10th edition of a researcher meeting that is being organised since 1992, by the network of CCOO (Spanish Worker’s Commission) files and the Contemporary History Departments of different universities. This is the third time that the Universitat de València hosts this congress, as it was held also in 1995 and 1999.

On this occasion, a total of 83 papers have been presented and will be discussed in 10 thematic groups.

The different debates and round tables will deal with the external dimensions of the Franco regime, the economy and living conditions, culture and media, institutions and policies of the dictatorship, violence and social repression, the memory of Francoism, education, the workers' movement and archives of that period.

The organising committee is comprised by the following Professors and researchers:   Ismael Saz, Alberto Gómez Roda, Pere Beneyto, Zira Box, Carlos Fuertes, Mélanie Ibáñez, Toni Morant, Dolores Sánchez, Julián Sanz, Vega Rodríguez-Flor and Vicenta Verdugo.

This year's conference has been organised by the Department of  Modern and Contemporary History of the Universitat de València and by the Fundació d'Estudis i Iniciatives Sociolaborals (FEIS, Foundation for Social and Labour Studies and Initiatives) of Comissions Obreres del País Valencià, with the collaboration of the Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society) of the Generalitat Valenciana.

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