The Universitat joins the events of the Semana de Acción Mundial por la Educación (SAME) focusing this year on teachers

  • Press Office
  • April 27th, 2022

The Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the Universitat de València is hosting this Thursday 28 April the events of the Global Action Week for Education (GAWE), known at the university as Semana de Acción Mundial por la Educación (SAME), this year focuses on the theme 'Raising our voices for teachers'.

The Magna Room of the faculty will host the programme organised for the day. It will start at 9.30 am with the institutional opening of the event, where the campaign will be presented. Authorities from academia and participating organisations will participate. Hosted by Jorge Sebastián Lozano, coordinator of the SAMEUV project. At 10 am, conference on ‘El profesorado ante los desafíos contemporáneos’ (Spanish for Teachers facing contemporary challenges), by Javier Molina (professor of Education Sciences at the University of Granada) and Lucía Rodríguez (head of Advocacy and Campaigns at Entreculturas). Moderated by Cristina Pulido (lecturer in the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education at the UV). At 11 am, there will be a reading of the manifesto of the Global Campaign for Education around the leitmotif ‘Alzamos la voz por el profesorado’ (Spanish for We raise our voices for teachers), in the faculty garden. At 11.30 am, ‘Vivencias del profesorado desde el Sur’ (Spanish for Experiences of teachers from the South), testimony of two teachers from the Fe y Alegría network in Colombia and the Dominican Republic. Moderated by Cecilia Villarroel (Global Campaign for Education). At 12 noon ‘Alzamos la voz por el profesorado’ (Spanish for We raise our voices for teachers), an exhibition of creative productions created by the students from the training actions developed within the framework of the SAMEUV project. And at 1.30 pm, the event will be closed by the project coordinator and representatives of the GCE organisations in the Comunitat.

The pandemic has highlighted the irreplaceable value of the teaching profession in society, but also the difficult working conditions they face. Teachers, with a large majority of women, have been on the frontline to ensure continuity of learning when schools were closed, and to provide socio-emotional support to their students, especially the most vulnerable learners.

Work overload, accumulated stress, psychological state or lack of support for teachers are some of the causes that can lead to high demotivation, sick leave, absenteeism and poor work performance. It is essential to take care of teachers’ mental health, as it predicts emotional well-being and student engagement, and translates into educational quality.

The Global Campaign for Education takes place all over the world to raise awareness of the importance of education in countries in both the North and the South. It is organised every year to hold political representatives accountable to that goal, and to actively engage citizens in the processes necessary to make the right to inclusive, equitable and quality education a reality for all people everywhere. This is why more than 124 countries are joining the action. Global Action Week for Education (GAWE), known in the UV for its Spanish translation SAME, is the focal point of the Campaign, which this year focuses on the plight of teachers.

The Universitat de València has strongly supported SAME for two decades through the open participation of its teaching staff and students, but in an organised way within the framework of an educational innovation project with a recognised track record.

Teachers and students from different faculties and degrees work in the classroom on the contents of the SAME, preparing a central event that will take place on April the 28th 2022, in the Magna Room of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the UV. The event is organised in collaboration between the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences and the Faculty of Geography and History of the Universitat de València. In the Valencian Community, the Global Campaign for Education has the support of Entreculturas, Ayuda en Acción and the Mainel Foundation.

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