The Universitat starts “Interseccions”, a new training space on diversity

  • Press Office
  • September 25th, 2018
D'esquerra a dreta Esther Mayoko i Ruth Mestre
D'esquerra a dreta Esther Mayoko i Ruth Mestre

The Universitat has opened the registration period for the course “'Interseccions. Espai de formació” that will address diversity. It will take place from 25th to 27th September in the Educational Library Maria Moliner. This new and interdisciplinary training space to work on diversity from a critical point of view is intended for Master's Degree and PhD students of the Universitat de València.

The first edition of Interseccions. Espai de formació has a dynamic and informational format. It will address education on diversity. It will include affective-sexual, genre and ethnic-cultural diversity. The course is free and lasts 20 hours.

On 25th September, Esther (Mayoko) Ortega will open “Interseccions” with a conference that will address racial, sexual and sexuality issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. She is an antiracist and feminist activist in ConcienciaAfro. She will speak about how difficult is living in the frontier, this is feeling herself as a feminist, lesbian, black, racialized women and explaining how she can be understood. In a recent interview, Mayoko recognized that she has always been pointed at, never for being from Madrid where she was born, raised and currently lives. People don’t think about the descendants of the afro community like sometimes happens with gypsies among local people, taking into account the problems (especially in education) and being helped and considered different.

The course will continue the following day, 26th September, with an intercultural conference imparted by two specialists. On the one hand, Dolores Juliano is a recognised social anthropologist specialised in ethnical minorities and feminism. On the other hand, Ana Giménez is a professor of the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló. She will address the reality of the gypsy people.

On the last day of the course, 27th September, intersexuality and sport education issues will be explored with Jonathan Ospina. He is an expert in sex verifications in the world of sports and professor of the Universidad Isabel I of Burgos. The director of the Valencian Agency of Equality in Diversity of the Valencian Government, José de Lamo, will present the work that he carries out in his area and will introduce in a practical way a protocol to guarantee the right to identity, gender expression and intersexuality in the educative centres of the Regional Ministry of Education.

Apart from the conferences, everyday there will be panels of discussion with professors of the Universitat de València and associate centres. They will explain the work that they do on these issues in the Universitat de València and they will answer key questions on education, sexual diversity and genre (25th September), intercultural education (26th September) queer pedagogies and the experiences of trans people in the field of physical education (27th September).

On the afternoon, two simultaneous workshops will offer resources and tools to work on sexual diversity through artistic education and contemporary art (25th September), anti-buzzing education and solutions to fight the invisibility and racism (26th September) specific training to deal with the trans issue and intersexuality in the educative centres (27th September).

Interseccions” is part of “diversitats”, which is a programme for equality in diversity promoted by the Office of the Vice-principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the Universitat de València.

You can check the programme of the course and register yourself at:

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