UV Culture uploads all its open-access content to the Network

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • March 24th, 2020
Un jove mira el vídeo d'una exposició a MediaUni.
Young man watching the video of an exposition in MediaUni.

Culture in the Universitat de València does not stop. In the light of the spread of the coronavirus and the establishment of the alert state, the Universitat has been obligated to cancel all its cultural programme and to close spaces such as the Cultural Centre La Nau or the Botanical Garden. However, the Universitat de València reminds people that university culture is not in quarantine and offers all its contents for free in the Culture Channel in MediaUni.

MediaUni, the TV platform of the Universitat, allows people to watch more than 170 videos of conferences, 206 recordings of debates, 48 interviews, 38 videos of expositions, 49 of presentations or 24 of performing arts, among many other audio-visual contents. Most of these digital pills correspond to the programme developed by the Universitat de València in the Cultural Centre La Nau. Moreover, the institution makes available to the public the free online access to the catalogues that are edited on the occasion of the exhibition programme on the platform of the Universitat Roderic. 

Among the conferences, interviews and debates to which people can access, stand out those featured by first-rate scientists as the biochemist Mariano Barbacid or the full university professor of Neurology Álvaro Pascual Leone; who bring us the point of view of university professors such as Adela Cortina, José Luis Barona or José Luis Canet; in addition to the presentations and lectures of writers and journalists, among which we can find Manuel Jabois, Ignacio Ramonet, Santiago Posteguillo, Esmeralda Berbel, Josep Ramoneda... Without forgetting referents of Sociology such as María Ángeles Durán, Michel Wierviorka and Daniel Innerarity; nor intellectuals and politicians of the standing of Manuel Castells, Miguel Sebastián, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero or Josep Piqué. The conference of the British filmmaker Ken Loach deserves special mention, since it crowded the Cultural Centre La Nau of to the Universitat de València last November for the 25th anniversary of his acclaimed film 'Land and Freedom.' 

The public accessing the platform will also be able to virtually visit the current exhibitions at the Cultural Centre La Nau, such as 'Let's bring blacks home. Imaginación colonial y formas de aproximación gráfica de los negros de África (1880-1968)', that analyses the racist stereotypes of African black populations created by Europe in the colonial period. In the same way, interested people can also visit collections like 'Gent i llocs. Gabril Cuadalló en la col·lecció de l'IVAM' or ‘Creadors valencians pels drets humans. Setanta anys de la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans’, which are at present no longer exhibited. And so up to almost fifty videos of exhibitions to bring to the public, now that we are confined and cannot go for a walk, the photographs of the city of València by José García Poveda, popularly known as 'El Flaco'; the sustainable designs of the exhibition 'Rehogar' or the first exhibition of the Valencian satirical magazine 'La Traca', which gathered covers, complete issues and unpublished material of this controversial magazine. 

On the other hand, MediaUni offers plays performed in the Matilde Salvador Hall of La Nau over the last years, as well as shows created and produced by the group ASSAIG-Grup de Teatre of the Universitat de València and by the project Escena Erasmus of the Universitat de València. All these contents are within any user's reach in a complete way with just a click. 

All news, programmes, podcasts, documentaries or series, as well as educational conferences of many different kinds and informative scientific videos among other contents produced or edited by the Taller d'Audiovisuals of the Universitat de València are also available on the platform. 


Culture of the Universitat will remain constantly in a virtual mode. Likewise, the social networks of the Cultural Centre La Nau of the Universitat (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) are added to the MediaUni platform and will daily share all this contents. All materials, which are proprietary, online accessible and free downloadable, are published under the hashtags #LaNauVirtual, #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #CulturaEnCasa. Other accounts linked to Culture, such as the Cinema Club, the General Foundation and Cultural Heritage UV, among others, also intensify their activity in their profiles.