The UV General Foundation executes more than five hundred activities through 2016

  • UV General Foundation
  • December 12th, 2017
The three major areas of the UV General Foundation.
The three major areas of the UV General Foundation.

The UV General Foundation has published the interactive report of the activities carried out in 2016, which exceed five hundred. It constitutes an accessible and readable summary of the performing activities through the management of more than a hundred of projects in the area of culture, training, solidarity and university services.

The access to the document, published in Valencian/English and Spanish/English, is at the foundation website

 Throughout 2016, the UV General Foundation has developed projects and programmes in the three major fields that respond to its organizational structure: Culture and training, university services and solidarity.

At the first section, the foundation has cooperated in the production, coordination, mounting and /or dissemination of 27 exhibitions which have been visited by tens of thousands of people in several spaces of the university. Cultural Centre La Nau, Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence o Palau de Cerveró. From all these exhibition projects, it highlights ‘Tot està per fer. València, capital de la República’, with over 11,000 visits; ‘La Traca. La transgresión como norma’, with around 10,000 visitors; ‘No Ficción’, from Artur Heras, with more than 6,000 visits; and ‘Paco Bascuñán & Quique Company. El Equipo Escapulari-o y otras derivas’, with nearly 4,000 visits. All of them have been exhibited at the Cultural Centre La Nau.

The publication also shows other exhibitions that have had an important social impact during the year, such as 'The city of women’, from Objectives, or 'Photon Festival', among others.

This includes the activity carried out by the Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia of the Foundation, responsible for managing and disseminating the contemporary art collection of the Universitat de València. It celebrated its 13th Biennial under the motto ‘Supersticiones y manipulaciones’ in 2016, through which works by the artists Diego del Pozo and Estefanía Martín were incorporated to the collection. In this context, the col.lecció participated in the ‘Coleccionismo y mecenazgo: Jesús Martínez Guerricabeitia’ project, from the Bancaja Cultural Centre, giving the winning work up in each biennial.

‘Michavila: Geometría y Ecología’, curated by professor Pascual Patuel, and ‘Ni cautivos ni desarmados’, led by the curator and art critic Alfonso de la Torre, were the two great exhibitions of the year coordinated by la Col·lecció.

In the musical chapter, it has performed nearly a hundred of concerts and recitals, through the The Board of Musical Activities, performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra UV, conducted by Hilari Garcia Gázquez; the Nau Gran Choral Club and the La Nau Choir School, by Mònica Perales; the University Choir of Valencia, with the direction of Francisco Valldecabres; and Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió of the University, directed by Juan Ramon Martí i Chuliá. Here is included the organization of the ‘Serenates a La Nau’ festival, an annual appointment with the music that takes place in the cloister of the historical building of the University in summer. Nearly 20,000 spectators have enjoyed all this offer.

The section of Performing Arts from the General Foundation has taken part in the management of more than 80 theatre performances, some of which have been framed in the 25th anniversary of ASSAIG (Theatre group of the Universitat de València) and others in the theater programme of the year. Over 5,000 spectators have attended the performances, of which stand out ‘Les dones de Sade’, by Yukio Mishima; ‘Parelles de fet, de fet parelles’, by Carles Pons; or ‘París, anys 60’, by Rodolf and Josep Lluís Sirera, premiered the Saint John’s Eve (23th June). All three directed by Pep Sanchis.

In the Heritage Area, it has been acquired more than five hundred works; with a team of nearly 30 members, the Cultural Volunteer collective have participated in the guided tours by the iconic building of La Nau and the exhibitions, visited by more than 9,000 people.

Alumni UV, by its part, has organised more than thirty cultural outing, about ten reading club meetings, as well as several workshops, talks and gastronomic clubs.

Regarding to training, the total number of courses and workshops carried out by the different Foundation services has been around a hundred. In this part, it highlights the work of the Gandia International Centre, which celebrated, in 2016, the 33th edition of the Universitat d’Estiu with ten courses and nearly 400 enrolments. In addition, it organised the Universitat dels Majors-Unimajors with 425 students enrolled, and welcomed the IX Winter School Bernhard Wilpert with five hundred students from twenty countries. Moreover, the European Documentation Centre recorded more than 2,000 subscribers and managed more than 70,000 enquiries.

University services
The UV general Foundation, in its aspect of university service, is the responsible for the activity carried out by the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities, from which more than 1,000 people, including students, professors and administrative and services staff of the Universitat de València, have been assisted throughout 2016. The assistance has been provided by five advisory programmes, promoting equal opportunities, awareness and training, accessibility and teacher support.

With regard to employment, more than a hundred graduates from University managed to sign a labour contract through the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre (OPAL). 3,500 new users were registered in this service; attention and advice was provided to more than 2,000 people in person and more than 6,000 tutorials were carried out online, as well as organising the XI Employment Forum of the Universitat de València with the presence of 72 companies and institutions.

The UV General Foundation devotes a special effort to solidarity issues through the Cooperation Area and the University Diagnosis and Early childhood care centre (CUDAP).

In terms of university cooperation for development, we have worked on training, research, documentary, scholarship and awareness-raising aspects. Furthermore, about twenty technical projects on health, education, sustainability, heritage, urbanism, gender violence, integration, and entrepreneurship have been carried out in ten countries and territories of America and Africa.

By its part, the CUDAP has worked in more than 140 cases through its host, evaluation and diagnosis programmes and therapeutic care to children that presented developmental disorders. The centre ended the year with thirty families in the waiting list

Finally, this report necessarily refers to the sponsorship that is exercised. Here you can find the different collaborations with organizations, entities and institutions, and his involvement in several foundations networks like the Spanish Association of Foundations, the Anna Lindh Network or Alumni Spain, among others.

Direct access to the activities report: