The UV holds its commitment for a Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, which is the leader in terms of academic offering and number of specialities

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 12th, 2020
La UV manté la seua aposta per un Màster de Secundària líder en oferta i en nombre d’especialitats

The Universitat de València will continue leading the offer of this Master's Degree in Spain, offering the current 20 specialities, modifying the access profile to each one of them to prioritise students who have graduated from UV degrees, and maintaining an offer that exceeds the current actual enrolment. This has been explained in the meeting that student organisations and trade unions had asked for, which has been held today, Thursday 12 November, at the Office of the Principal of our university.

The Universitat de València will continue being the first university of Spain in terms of places' offer of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, according to the agreement adopted by the Governing Council last Tuesday 3 November, which stated an offer of 800 places for next academic year 2021-2022. 

This offer will keep the 20 current specialities and will allow the enrolment to be increased up to a total of 800 places, quantity that extends the current actual enrolment. Thus, the approved offer is in line with the actual enrolment data of a master's degree that has an average rate of abandonment throughout the year of 12% of the initially enrolled students. 

In addition, it has been highlighted that, thanks to the changes endorsed by the Governing Council, access for students at the Universitat de València is prioritised, which currently accounts for over half of total enrolment, since the profile of each speciality is being adapted to our graduate's degrees that match each one of them. 

The representatives of the organisations that asked for the meeting have set out their demand for maintaining and increasing the current offer of the master's degree's places and their commitment to the public offer of the master's degree. 

In this sense, the Executive Council of the Universitat de València agrees on the defence of public education as an essential service and on the demand of a new university financing model that, together with the lifting of restrictions as to staff recruitment, allows a wider range of course offering.  

Governing Council's decision aims to better adjust students' access profiles in order to reduce the fall in enrolment, educate professionals with the appropriate knowledge and skills, and to comply with the recommendations for improvement derived from the re-accreditation of the master's degree. 

It also aims to adapt itself to the teaching capacity of the Universitat de València in a context characterised by the restrictions on the received public funding and the limitations on the recruitment of teaching staff imposed against public university system.